To all the Fosters out there who sacrifice their time, their money - TopicsExpress


To all the Fosters out there who sacrifice their time, their money and love our rescues unconditionally...we could not do what we do without you. The following was written by one of our wonderful fosters and Treasuer of our BOD, Colleen Giambarresi, with much love. To Foster, with Love You commit to save a life. It doesn’t matter the look, the color, the health, the demeanor, the needs, or length of time this life will require your care. God willing, this life may not need you at all. You’ll wait for the next one and you’re good with that. You volunteer your time for whatever this life needs…. Playing, training, bathing, vet visits, feedings, medications, and responsible supervision based on love and compassion to provide a safe haven. You alter your schedule, accommodate occasional craziness, bend the rules and restock paper towels and cleaning supplies daily. You may need a carpenter, furniture repair, or worse, replace your best pair of shoes (sigh) … And, you are good with that. You give night and day while this life waits. You demonstrate what life with a human can be like. You provide warmth, compassion, structure, and love. You calm and reassure. You nurture so they understand it’s not just a full belly that feels good, but oh….that IS the best! You over-spend in so many ways. There is no gold star, or public applause. And you are good with that. You wait for the call that says a home has been found. You will happily and selflessly send this life to it’s new one. There are humans that will take over your watch and provide all that you have. Well, maybe they won’t provide it exactly the way that you did….. but, you are good with that. You will smile, you may cry.... sad and happy tears at the same time. But, you are all good with that.
Posted on: Thu, 01 May 2014 13:54:05 +0000

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