To all the brave firefighters who selflessly perform their jobs, - TopicsExpress


To all the brave firefighters who selflessly perform their jobs, both professional and volunteer departments, I thank you for your devotion and dedication to duty. To all the law enforcement personnel who devote their time to combating crime and upholding the laws of the Constitution of the United States, I also extend my deepest appreciation. To all the men and women of the 5 branches of the United States Military, both current and past members, you have the undying gratitude of our Nation and myself. Our Country is in the midst of a multi-faceted, long-term attack by multiple groups to destroy the fabric of the Constitution and the American Dream. The apathy and ignorance of the American people, in being complacent and operating on the assumption of “If it doesn’t affect me, it’s not my problem!” has allowed powerful groups to fund lobbyists and corporations to corrupt the local to governmental politicians, oversight agencies and all 3 branches of our government, (Executive, Legislative and Judicial) for the good of their agenda(s), not the health and welfare of the American People. This is the 500 lb. Gorilla in the middle of your living room floor! (Politely not spoken about, because if I bring up your sins to you, you will bring up my sins to me!) This insidious American corruption is evident in the decline of the moral decision-making in nearly every aspect of our life, from new ridiculous rules about CPR procedures and Obama-Care authorization guidelines, to the FDA approvals for toxic foods and pharmaceuticals, to the pesticides-resilient GMO plants poisoning our flora, fauna and waterways. The US doesn’t deserve this, nor does any other country! My concern today is because of verbal attacks from fellow firefighters over my beliefs surrounding the 9-11 WTC Attacks. I believe there are multiple unanswered questions of the events leading up to the attack, the remarkable coincidences of that day and the covert destruction of the steel and rubble evidence of this massive crime scene, which lead to Homeland Security, another War on Terrorism, and destroyed the paperwork of the 10-year-old Persian Gulf War’s IOU debt being stored in the Pentagon and WTC-7. (Please look at my 3 posted videos below if you are open-minded to do so.) We have many different Point-of-views, based on our past history of the people, places, social, economic, religious, demographic and cultural events in our lives. We stick to these POV’s and defend them to the death, because we made up in our brains that these are real beliefs for our life! All these contrary POV’s are what cause us to be apart from one another, it is human-nature to compare ourselves to others. We look for differences and make meaning in our brains why we don’t like the other person. It has been this way since the Tower of Babel! Can we just agree that we disagree on any particular topic, and celebrate the fact that we are alive, all with the spark of life, and with an equal opportunity to pursue our own happiness?
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 17:22:39 +0000

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