To all the children on earth:Jesus once said: Cortians 10". For - TopicsExpress


To all the children on earth:Jesus once said: Cortians 10". For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does...We take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. And we will be ready to punish every acts of disobedience once your obedience is complete. "The truth of the universe to love and to forgive is the same, every religions teaches. us to repent ourselves, fight our own evils. There are so many disasters, illness , broken hearts, civil wars , financial problems etc... in our life time, no one has a perfect life, as all of us are sinners, there is karma law exists in this universe, we must learn to forget and accept to conquer all these problems. Please, be a leader to promote charity ,world peace, taking care of your own people first! Low cost health care, nursing care, education, food, gas, clothing, transportation, housing, pollution, etc....improving poverty, create jobs, global warning, stop corruption, bribery, lobby, over spending, balance your budget, (not financial deficit ). Then, blessing will come to each one of us and every nations on earth if you are following the right path. Please forgive me, I am just like a nagging mother, because , my child, I want you to go home with me to our real home town-Heaven!
Posted on: Mon, 02 Sep 2013 06:01:00 +0000

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