To all the friends, and the ones yet to come; thank you for your - TopicsExpress


To all the friends, and the ones yet to come; thank you for your request and for accepting my request. God says’ where two or more are gathered in My name there I am in the midst. Know that He can be present but our actions can limit Him in moving on our situation. Let’s be of one mind and pray that the Spirit be Loosed on our situations whatever they may be. Love one another whether be it Gay, Straight, black or white, and all nations and races. Love not what they do, but love them, and at least try to pull them out of the fire. You will not save them all but you can save at least one, if you love them as Jesus loved us. He came for all, and the previous mentioned are in that category. Pray one for another, and lose not your soul for that one or the many, because you are not the sacrifice. Die daily to the flesh, and repent daily; for He said go and sin no more. This means do not go out and knowingly sin, yet we are not perfect so unknowingly we will sin, even if it is in pride of knowledge in His word. If you bring someone to Christ, don’t stop there; show them how to pray, teach them how to fast. Let them know what praise and submission is, and the differences between the two, are they the same; are they different. Help teach that baby so that baby can grow, and maybe they will be grounded in God. Continue to pray for me and let’s talk about God and not man, there’s been too much of that already. In conclusions, Just show love even when we think their actions do not warrant that love, for it is not the actions that the live is shown to. By doing this we help not just them; but we are renewed in Christ. This is the foundation, it was that love that the apostle had that God was to build the church on. Do you love me more than these, if so; be that example and let that light shine, yet not of our own but by the Spirit. Know that I love you, and judge you not.
Posted on: Thu, 26 Sep 2013 02:44:40 +0000

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