To all the friends of Safe Haven Horse Rescue You all know I have - TopicsExpress


To all the friends of Safe Haven Horse Rescue You all know I have been going through some very differcult things lately most of which I have no control I was contemplating on quitting closing down,which I know wouldve made many people happy :( Sometimes in this line of work you get so weary & tired which I am sure most rescues know all to well especially us small guys . Things have hit me hard back to back but once again you all have been there to catch me still the thought of quitting is always there...until ...I was reminded not so much of things that I do with the animals but of the love YOU all have for this little rescue The faith you have in me shows everyday...I just had to reopen my eyes Running this rescue has had me made some sacrifices some of which I tend to has to deal with my family. Tho it seems I have turned my back on them I dont think they realize what this rescue & all the animals mean to me because they feel I have chosen the animals over them,this has played heavily on my mind with everything going mom is always there when I needed to talk to her but it was always hard to go see her because I chose to stay with the animals,my sisters sons & daughters have been married had children all of which I have not been a part of,my choice....I dont even get to see my own grand daughter because there are too many animals & it is to far for them to come...well with that situation I will come once a month if you come once a least My family is stable and strong and want for nothing, I just want them to try & understand how I feel about the animals also so I have decided to take a loooonngg drive to NY to try and make them understand maybe even meet some of the new additions Maybe these things have happened for this reason,but understanding must there,in my life I had been through a lot of many bad things and yes have chosen animals over humans Running this rescue is never a burden but a blessing because it lets me wake every morning and I feel so much love from these animals More sacrifices are worrying if medical needs can be met pay the bills making sure they are cool in the summer warm in the winter.....and this is for the animals These are sacrifices I gladly make,,,as long as I am able to keep a roof over my head I make a promise to all of you..every animal will always have care,food & shelter because they have been my Safe Haven. I guess I am rambling...but it is a good ramble :) an awakening I guess you can say I especially need to thank Lynn Novay Marge Swayne, Donna Stone Bowen, Bonnie Pierro Zander Cheryl Cook for reminding me I am not a quitter.To everyone who has come to my rescue I thank you from the deepest part of my heart because when I thought no one cared you all showed me differently So after all this I once again make a promise to you all...I will be here for the animals as long as the good Lord allows me to with your help and this little rescue will make you proud to call us your friend and now on with a song youtube/watch?v=GcwqCmEi9Jc
Posted on: Fri, 13 Jun 2014 12:19:10 +0000

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