To all the international currents that vindicate of the working - TopicsExpress


To all the international currents that vindicate of the working class, of the masses oppressed by the imperialism and of the fight for socialism: we must take in our hands in the entire world the appeal that from Argentina have launched the Commission of the families for the freedom of the oil workers of Las Heras town. Statement of the FLTI-Collective for the refounding of the IV International ON DECEMBER 12, IN LAS HERAS, ARGENTINA, A TRIBUNAL OF JUDGES THAT TORTURED AND REPRESSED THE WORKERS IS PREPARED TO CONDEMN TO LIFE PRISON THE 11 OIL WORKERS A TRIBUNAL OF THE IMPERIALIST OIL COMPANIES WANTS TO PUNISH WORKERS FOR FIGHTING A Worker and Student Congress and the Commission of the prosecuted Workers integrated by the families and friends of Las Heras have launched the motion for workers and anti-imperialist fighters, a motion we must take in our hands: From the jails, from the dungeons of the oppressed regimes, from the worker and anti-imperialist fighting organizations of the world… LET’S MAKE ALTOGETHER THAT THIS DECEMBER 12 BECOMES AN INTERNATIONAL DAY OF STRUGGLE FOR THE FREEDOM OF THE PERSECUTED AND IMPRISONED WORKERS In Las Heras, in the far South of Argentina, the oil companies that plunder the territory -as they did together with the TNCs all across the People they oppress –want to give a punishment to the workers. In 2006, the workers rose up and organized a great struggle against the labor flexibility and against the taxing on wages that the government absorbs every month from their miserable salary. In 2006, the oil workers marched side by side the town and were repressed with rubber bullets and live ammunition and tear gas. In the repression against the protests a policeman died. Today, with fake proofs, with testimonies taken by torturing as it has been proved during the three months the oral trial lasted, the judges of the oil companies try to impose on the 11 workers a life sentence in prison After many years of prison, in a town taken by the police, the workers stand up again to fight for their class brothers and took the streets of the city. Hundreds of worker organizations, committees of workplaces, unions, central trade unions like the CTA (Central of Argentinean workers) and organisms of Human Rights like Madres de Plaza de Mayo (Linea Fundadora) today support and are preparing a demonstration on December 12th in the city where the tribunal is working to prevent the comrades from being condemned The commission of prosecuted workers and families of Las Heras in a Congress- recently convened- has called for conquering a general strike of the workers of the province where Las Heras is located and a national fighting plan to prevent the tribunal from gathering to session and condemning workers since on December 12 the tribunal will give the sentence. On November 15 a demonstration will be convened in the City of Buenos Aires, at the same time in Las Heras will be a march too, among different activities in the agenda. This fight is part of the aim the Las Heras workers have set to set up a National Coordinating Organ in Argentina to free the imprisoned workers of Corral de Bustos in the Province of Córdoba and to organize a single struggle for the over 6500 prosecuted in Argentina. Also in such Congress it was proposed that December 12 becomes in an international day of fighting for the persecuted workers, since the enemy that attacks and chases us all around the world is the same. In more than 500 secret jails of the CIA are kidnapped openly workers and anti imperialist fighters and they are tortured and punished. The Guantanamo prison is a living sample of what we say here. For the crime of being an immigrant running away from the misery and repression, workers in USA or in Europe are put in jails and separated from their children. In USA Mumia Abu-Jamal is the symbol of the resistance against the bloody repression of the US imperialist pirates against the world working class and their own working class. He committed the crime of being a former Black Panther, a fighter of the coloured workers’ cause, he is accused of killing a police with implanted and fake proofs. He is in jail since 1982 with a death sentence. 31 years with death sentence, he was to be executed in different opportunities. That ‘s the “democratic” State of the Sir BushObama! The Palestinian nation, a thousand times bled, has its best children in the dungeons of Zionism. Samer el Aissawi, Palestinian prisoners, is a symbol of the struggle against the Zionist occupation. He refuses to leave Jerusalem, because he refuses to be drawn from HIS JERUSALEM, HIS NATION -THE PALESTINIAN NATION. And he fights for his freedom and for the ones of more than 4,500 Palestinian prisoners. In Al Assad’s jails, thousands of workers have been slaughtered and today are used as human shields to contain the spread of the uprising masses. In the Indian car companies such as Suzuki, or in the textiles of Bangladesh, the oppressed ones die as slaves in their machines or by buildings falling down, now the prisons are filled with fighters. In Maghreb and Middle East the uprising of the exploited today receives a ferocious punishment by imperialism and the oppressive regimes which are expropriating the largest conquest of the masses which were their revolutions and uprisings; they set up despite the deaths and martyrs. In Tunisia, Egypt, Bahrain and Yemen are also prisoners to fight for bread and freedom. Imperialist powers, which pride themselves on being democratic, invaded Mali, as France did. It is not by chance that in this country, Georges Abdallah, a Lebanese fighter for the Palestinian cause, has been in prison for 30 years, on account and by the orders of Zionism. Weeks ago, US imperialism with its mercenaries entered to Libyan territory and kidnapped Abu Anas el-Liby, when he was returning home after praying Al-Fajer. He was taken by a real terrorist brigade of CIA to a US fleet in the Mediterranean Sea and today his whereabouts is unknown. His crime was to lead the fight against Gaddafi. In China, the working class lives imprisoned in jail-factories, true concentration camps, as Foxxcon where the workers are tortured and repressed. There, the workers must commit suicide to make their demands heard, as Bousazi did in Tunisia in 2011, sacrificing himself. The slaughters in Africa and DCR were supported by imperialist military bases and the oil and mine corporations, there is no state in Africa which does not have their hands stained with workers blood and hostage in their jails. In Latin America are going to accuse and condemn Huanuni miners in Bolivia and the mine fighters against the mine transnational companies in Peru. Thousands of prisoners, worker and peasant resistance, are rot in prison by the fascist regime of Colombia supported by US military bases as well as in the dungeons of the Chilean civil-military regime. There is no continent where workers do not have victims, martyrs, persecuted and taken as hostage in prisons of governments and lackeys regimes of the transnational companies. THE ENEMY IS AT HOME! Let’s set up a great international movement to drag all our class brothers and anti-imperialist fighters from the dungeons of the oppressors! They, their governments, courts, trials and judges are the ones who endorse and implement the torture, the worst genocides, slaughters and occupations to countries around the world. They are the terrorists! They are war criminals! The oil companies, transnational companies and the handful of bankers and parasites of Wall Street, City of London, Bundesbank and Bank of Tokyo, among others, they are the bosses and give orders to repress the workers and slaughter the oppressed peoples of the world. We call to take December 12, 2013 in everyone’s hands and transformed it into an international fighting day, so the revenge court does not work in Las Heras. For this court any proof is enough because it only wants to punish and condemn the workers. For the Argentinean working class, the sentence to the oil workers would leave a serious history, since more than 6,500 workers and fighters are persecuted and prosecuted by the justice who is controlled by judges from the military dictatorship of Videla and also others front men of the imperialist bankers. On December 12, it is necessary to dissolve the vengeance court to get release the oil workers and drop the charges to more than 6,500 fighters persecuted in Argentina. We called to speak out and coordinate actions around the world: Freedom to Samer el Aissawi and the 4,500 Palestinian prisoners in the clutches of the Zionist-fascist state of Israel! Freedom to George Abdallah, imprisoned in France on behalf and by the orders of Zionism! Freedom to Abu Anas el-Liby kidnapped in Libya by an American elite group under the command of Obama! Immediate and unconditional freedom to Mumia Abu-Jamal! Freedom to the anti-imperialist fighters imprisoned in Guantanamo! Freedom to the political prisoners in jailed in more than 500 secret CIA prisons scattered around the world! Freedom to the immigrant workers imprisoned in the imperialist Europe and USA! Freedom for the Basque and Chechens prisoners who are rotting in the dungeons of Putin murderer and the jails of the Spanish monarchy! Freedom to the oil workers of Las Heras and Corral de Bustos right now! Drop the charges to the 6,500 fighters persecuted in Argentina! Freedom to all workers and youth fighters of the world imprisoned in the jails of the imperialist parasites and their governments and regimes! Let’s take this call in our hands, to reach the world, cross borders and we all conquer a huge fight and make a loud shout so we are heard once and for all THE SLAVES UPRISING IS NOT A CRIME, IT IS JUSTICE!
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 14:39:18 +0000

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