To all the reasonable people on my FB, Firstly let me say that - TopicsExpress


To all the reasonable people on my FB, Firstly let me say that to anyone who is reading this, not a single reasonable person will condone what eventuated in Paris recently. Also, I am not usually a fan of online political speech, I find it a useless distraction from things that matter. That being said, I feel that I must share with you my hurt and despair. I do not use these words lightly, those who know me would tell you that I am not so easily affected..but how can I not be, when my religion is being attacked? Both openly via the media and covertly by inducing Muslims to apologize or making them feel as if they should. This earth is home to 7.1billion souls, 1.7 billion of those souls are Muslims. How can a few gunman reflect almost 2 billion people? To any Muslim reading this, please don’t apologise. No more #’s saying ‘not in my religion’ or ‘not in my name’. There is an inferior complex at play here and it needs to be recognized. Something else that needs to be identified is the glaring hypocrisy. Free speech is a beautiful thing, Vultaire the French philosopher once said ‘I may not agree with what you say but I will, till death, defend your right to say it’. In respect to Vultaire, I don’t think he meant speech that incites hatred, racism and violence. It is one thing being able to condemn a government for policy openly it is another personally attacking an individual. We do not attack President Obama for being black nor do we attack Prime Minister Abott for being a devout Christian – such actions would surely be as ludicrous as they are repugnant. However, it is okay to desecrate a leader of 1.7 billion people? A man who was not only voted the most influential man in history by Times magazine but a man who asked to spread love and peace. The hypocrisy deepens when you remember that is actually illegal to question the Holocust in several European nations such as Germany, Austria and Romania. Freedom of speech is a beautiful thing but it is sullied when it incites hatred and fuels racism. Finally, I want to say and this is by far the most important point in this post, that I love my prophet Muhammad (PBUH). I love him so much that he has brought me to tears several times, not just me – ask many Muslims and they’d all say the same. When I was very young perhaps 6 years old, my sister broke the news that he had died – I cried and ran to my parents or so they say. As I grew older and learned about him as well as learned from him, my love for him grew even more. He is my business advisor, my doctor, my counsellor and my moral compass. He is the man that told me never to waste water even beside a running stream, asked me to love my mother and serve my father, to do the best I can when I attempt anything and to tell someone I love them whenever I can. I advise all Muslims not to dwell too much about free speech or the racism issues but rather write about something you love about him or something you learned new and I advise all non-Muslims to Google him and his legacy, perhaps he too will enter your sound hearts. #PBUH
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 10:47:17 +0000

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