To all those who believe what the news told ya, and to all those - TopicsExpress


To all those who believe what the news told ya, and to all those who say jet liners flew into the world trade centers by flip flop wearing terror jihadist....and to ALL WHOM believe this was done by terrorist from the middle east.......YOU ARE IDIOTS....this was done by our own.... C.I.A. and the MUSSAD why? This will explain a little bit to you.... The NSA was formed to keep a close eye on you and more importantly to give the federal GOVERNMENT a strategic advance warning of a takeover, or overthrow by its own people...facts are facts, and fact is....this was orchestrated by our own elected officials.....remember when they WAS going to interview dick Cheney, and Bush separately over this and they both refused....remember how this country was b4 this happened? Look at it from that point on.......I mean....war on terror? Heres the deal people....this country has been failing for a whats left? Well, naturally youll have to defend whats yours....because when your have to build up your immune up your country in decline from decades of extortion, fraud, and conivery toward the people, and the world abroad....the only thing left is the world reserve currency(the u.s. dollar).....which plays a very important roll in all this...SO when countrys see the frailness, and vulnerability of the United states of America and they try and side step the reserve currency by trading in something more secure for them and their country, like gold, or other world powers currencies, then the USA steps in, intervenes..conquers and reestablishes the u.s. dollar as that countries world reserve currency..... In other as I say or suffer great consequences..... One last note to leave this posting on is....remember those nuclear bombs that went missing here a while back.......yea.....just remember what I said here......they hadnt gone missing.....they were taken by a plan...Sandy hook?aroura shootings? School shootings....ect ect ect....bombings such as the Boston bombing, THE RIOTING IN Ferguson,mo. (WHICH the military was all ready way in advance) the Bundy ranch was a hiccup in their plans, they had no clue the retaliation of the sparse population would be so great in its advance(but it was)....natural disasters such as katrina....fema, homeland security....all this makes hitlers regime and the nazis, look like preschool playtime......the people better start waking up, AND FAST LIKE....EVERYONE MUST GET ON BOARD....WITH WHATS REALLY GOING ON.....some people will dismiss this....others will think.....most will not care.....BUT SOON, VERY SOON ALL WILL.......
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 16:31:18 +0000

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