To all who have called for the impeachment of President Obama: - TopicsExpress


To all who have called for the impeachment of President Obama: why havent your Congressmen listened to you? Because all that counts is your vote! Understanding impeachment There’s a high bar for impeachment outlined in the Constitution. It’s defined as the act of accusing a nonmilitary federal officer of treason, bribery, high crimes (or) misdemeanors. The process must begin in the House with the articles of impeachment, i.e. the allegations. The articles require a simple majority to pass. After the House votes on impeachment, the Senate tries the case, hearing testimony and examining evidence, and then it votes. Conviction, which results in removal from office, requires support from two-thirds of the Senate. We looked at all bills for this Congress and found no member of the House has introduced legislation to initiate impeachment proceedings against Obama. Its worth noting that Republicans have controlled the House since 2011, meaning theyve had the numbers to impeach Obama for three years, and no official effort has emerged. If they had attempted impeachment, the Democrat-controlled Senate would almost certainly not have voted to convict Obama. And even if Republicans do well in the elections Tuesday, the rosiest projections would put them well short of the two-thirds vote needed in the Senate to remove Obama from office without Democratic support. Republican leadership In order for impeachment to be a real possibility, it would need support from Republican leaders for the articles of impeachment to get considered — but this support just doesn’t exist. Neither House Speaker John Boehner, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell nor Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus have called for impeachment. Boehner has been the most outspoken against impeachment, possibly because the process begins in his chamber.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 22:05:32 +0000

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