To all who may read this having served, suffered or been severed - TopicsExpress


To all who may read this having served, suffered or been severed in the Sandbox or the mountains, I repeat my sincere thanks and extend my heartfelt compassion and empathy. I consume the news of the ISIS rush in northern Iraq and pending threat to Bagdad, and it carries my thoughts back to 1975 as I watched Saigon fall to become Ho Chi Minh City. The combinations of extreme sadness and rage flush through me again. I thought of the many good Mates, fine men, we lost from my flight classes and units. I raged over the many I knew not who were lost in assorted units, battles and ambushes throughout nam. Also I thought of the Vietnamese in the south who believed American foreign policy, promises and support as many were executed or gathered in for the indoctrination camps. Of course seeing my venerable Hueys get pushed into the China Sea to make more room for more landing to offload refugees is imprinted forever, too. I think I know something of what you must feel, and we know the causes. Our politicos mismanage our combat enterprises, erode and shame our world reputation and dishonor alliances and treaties where we, collectively, give our word to protect and support. Others can argue foreign policy, America as world cop and assorted, political aspects, but my word is sacred. When I give it, Ill keep it come what may. Were our nation half so honorable and committed! Pardon politicization in considering my understanding that theres damned little difference between the Democons and Republicrats, but honorable persons are surfacing. Vote intelligently. The rope that holds this nation to the dock of honor and integrity is only one, wet, slimy and a slick one. GRIP!!! HOLD FAST!!! God bless and keep those who gave their word and kept it. Salute!
Posted on: Sat, 14 Jun 2014 17:56:51 +0000

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