To all you people..... who want to join First Financial Security - TopicsExpress


To all you people..... who want to join First Financial Security aka FFS, This is the timeline of what you have to go through when you join . I got tired of my cousins and friends in Minnesota telling me to join FFS so I decided to do tremendous pain staking research on the company and its structure. But it was kinda fun - so enjoy. First they do switch and bait. They tell you that you only need 125 and your set. Wrong! The real price of getting in this business is around 1000. 125 for the membership with FFS. you pay 150 to your life insurance application. then 30 for each test. then 600 for the insurance to sale the insurance. they dont tell you any of this. - application and fees varies by state but 1000 is the ballpark. They constantly pressure you to go to their convention. They hold it in nice hotels but remember you are paying 25 which mean you are paying for the place not them. Ohh yeah, they will pressure you when you go to their meeting. Its not like those timeshare in Vegas where they pressure everybody. Its more like 5 to 10 people on stage pointing at you and your friend that you making a big mistake not joining FFS. This is possible because 90% of the attendants are already member. They will make you feel super uncomfortable (just like in high school- so if you want that feeling I encourage you to go) but when you give in and join they act like your best friend. The licensing process usually take minimum of 3 months, if you pass on the first try. While you are trying to study for the test, your upline will continue to pressure you into giving out your clients to them. In the training part (which 99% of people who joined have to go through except if you are the top guys real friend) they give you 30% of 50% percent which is 15%. the 85% goes to your trainer and their upline. You have to do this until you made 6000 in total. So after training, you made them 5100 and you got 900, and that if you get the license! If not then they keep the whole $6000. They have this saying in FFS, they will recruit anybody and let the system filter it out. It just another way saying that they going to scam you by not telling you the real cost of starting and use you to sell life insurance to your friends and relative. It basically cost 1 grand to start the business and if you fail the insurance test, thats ok because they already sold insurance to all your friends and family plus got some of them to join. After you get your license, you get soo desperate (because they exhausted all the people you know that will buy life insurance in the training period) you start doing what they are doing. Youstart lying to people that it only cost $125 and let the system filter them out. its a vicious cycle. they are basically parasite. Walahhhh. You became a crook, a liar, just like them.- and to your own brother, sister, relative, and friends. Trust me they recruit anybody including : gangster, FOB, gogo dancer, basically people dumb enough to believe them. So if you want to keep you professional image then you shouldnt join. They even got some doctors joining them too . I guess those doctors didnt do their research and fell for it. They look for people who are unemployed and desperate for a get rich quick. These trainer will act like your best friend. They will come stating that you are somehow related to them and they are doing you a big favor. If it was such a great opportunity then why is it only us lower class Asian descendent doing it? Why do you think not a lot of white are in FFS? Because they are smarter than that. Because these trainers cannot us these tactics on them. Their system is made to fail. Thats why they are listed by the federal government as a pyramid scheme. The government already did the math and the math is that the top guy will make the most money and the bottom guy will work their ass off for bread crumbs. And about the equity share they have people rooting for. Its a scam too. When you make 100k from 15% -30% percent commission then you probably made your top guys 700k. The main people have already diluted the share of the company. When you finally get your 100k to qualify you probably get like .0001% share because Gillies would already have 7 million in share plus everybody else share which is probably another 15 million it will get diluted. Its good to have high hopes your financial dreams, just not in other people dream. People state that Gillie is such an genius and a leader, but he started in this business with 95% (yes it was given to him). For example: If you sell one life policy you get 30%. He will get 95-30= 65% if you are directly under him. Gillie didnt do anything special he just hype people up. He got there by lying to you about the $125. While all his follower are praising him. Ohh! and the Gillie taunt that they do at the convention- well it came from WLG. FFS will tell you that you can build a team so dont worry about the 30% its better than working by yourself for 100%. But the thing is you can go to any insurance broker and start with 90% to 100% and recruit people to work under you for 30% or whatever price you setup (in insurance business -these people are called subagent, in FFS these are call you downline). Just dont tell them that they can do the same. In a legit insurance firm, the people who get the 100% who hired you as an subagent usually pay you E&O insurance and pay for your office space but not in FFS. ohh yeah did I tell you they promote all their real friend to make it look like they worked really hard but they are just leaching from you. They are getting 70% to 85% from the beginning but they wont tell you this . They tell you they work from the bottom up but they really laughing at how hard you are working, I know this because one of the top guy from told a girlfriend of mines when he was trying to flirt with her, while he was drunk ( he was telling her how rich he was) at a party Some of them really believe that it is not a scam. Well who are those people. Just remember you working under someone who lied to you from the beginning about joining for 125 and encourage you to do the same to all your friends because the business cannot survive without them doing a switch and bait. And if you ask them later when you see the true cost they will tell you that they thought you already knew - as if they were really surprised. But since you guys been hanging for a month now and somehow you are related then its hard to yell at them and its too late to go back because you invested soo much time in it. In your head -Just a little mistake that they made Ill let them slide . But in their head they knew that they got another sucker. I bet they get the why didnt you tell me about the 1000 all the time. This is what going to happen to you when you go to their convention. You will get all hype up! You will get pump up! Then when you come home you start getting desperate and desperation leads to lying to your friends and family. Yes you will make money. and its only going to cost all your friends 1 grand each and probably a lifetime of friendship. Thats why they pressure this everybody to go to these convention. They will tell you story like look at this lady she barely know how to speak English and she is making over 200k. Its because she didnt know that she was switching and baiting all her recruits. The really successful people in FFS dont know what they are doing they just recruit. They recruit like crazy and let the system filter these people out. can you imagine how much 1 grand did all these Hmong people lost if we all add it up? And the Brian Moua (Gillie older brother) guy in FFS that state that he is the farmer who became rich from FFS dont believe him. Brian Moua was the guy who was in charge of all the Hmong portion of WLG who refinance most of all the Hmong people house before the housing crash. WLG is a pyramid scheme just like FFS. He made millions with the pyramid scheme and now he switch boat and tell people that he was a farmer. But there is some truth to that, all Hmong immigrant are farmer from the beginning. Its just weird how he didnt state that he was one of the top guys who made millions at WLG. - thanks drunk guy for comparing yourself with him ( you know who you are LOL). This is information was gather from several former FFS , spectators, and me. These are real experiences not something I made up. The people that I got this from were really emotional about what they went though. They bluntly express their hatred for the company. Dont believe me. Go find out yourself and join. Then try to get your friend to join under you for 1000. Wait, they wont join? OK how about 125 to get in. Much better huh? Dont let these people in your house. Dont let them near your friends and family, because they going to trick them. And if you do, your friend and family are going to be calling you all day about joining FFS. its a infectious lie that promise people false hope In conclusion, Yes you got scammed again. And yes by your own Hmong people again. But dont start hating. You just have to do your homework and be smart about it in the future. To all you Hmong girls be skeptic and do your homework before you believe what they tell you. It alright you live and you learn. if you found this information useful please forward to all your friends and relatives who would like to save 1000 - though Facebook, text message, mail, email whatever we use now. Print it out and give it out at the flea market, Hmong village, MN 4th of July, Hmong New year. If you already spent that 1 grand and went to hell of a ride with no profit my hearts goes out to you. To all you people in upline who made profit off FFS. LOL. you know what you did or too dumb to even notice. To all you FFS defender: please do your homework before accusing me. you know Im right but Im costing you your recruits so dont make lies about FFS to make it look good. Im not saying all FFS people are bad. Im saying that the FFS system is bad. The switch and bait technique is bad and illegal. Lawsuit! LOL. And if they told you the truth from the beginning they would have never gotten you to join FFS.
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 08:16:07 +0000

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