To anyone in Kansas that has not yet voted today, Id like to - TopicsExpress


To anyone in Kansas that has not yet voted today, Id like to *urge* you to vote for Paul Davis and NOT Sam Brownback. Sam Brownback made a lot of promises four years ago when he was voted into office, among them the promise to increase funding in public education. There was a lot of lip service, and Im ashamed to admit that I bought it all. Four years later, hes cut education funding in Kansas drastically! Ive *personally* felt the effects of this. Decreased per pupil funding for Kansas schools has forced our district to freeze the pay scale coupled with no cost-of-living increases and ludicrously higher insurance premiums (this was even before the ACA, by the way). But its not just my pay thats been cut. Less money means fewer teachers hired. That translates into more classes being taught and additional responsibilities in my job. In the past four years, Ive been spending more and more evenings at the school trying to get work done. My health has suffered, and my time with family has suffered as well. I wish that I could do everything and be everything for everybody in every aspect of my life, but I know that isnt realistic. However, I feel its pretty realistic to assume that the outcome of this election will have a direct effect on the money going towards schools. Sam Brownback has LIED, and when people call him on his lies, he LIES AGAIN! I get it that hes bummed his experiment failed. But if he doesnt OWN UP to his mistakes, then hes not an true leader. PLEASE dont curse us with four more years of this man. PLEASE vote for Davis today. *steps off soapbox*
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 19:10:00 +0000

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