To anyone who had authority in writing or directing Noah the Bible - TopicsExpress


To anyone who had authority in writing or directing Noah the Bible has some truth for you. Proverbs 30:5–6 5 Every word of God proves true; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him. 6 Do not add to his words, lest he rebuke you and you be found a liar. Revelations 22:18 A Warning 18 For[d] I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds to these things, God will add[e] to him the plagues that are written in this book; 19 and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away[f] his part from the Book[g] of Life, from the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book. This movie has so much added to the story of Noah, its like a J.R.R Tolkien novel and I could not even bare to watch it. Its filled with speculation and it completely undermines the Word of God. It has the fallen angels as rock people, that end up building the ark for Noah. When they help Noah fight at the end, they end up dying, and God forgives them???? These are demons people, not Golems, or a legendary creature they are judged and they are real! They will not be forgiven, they destroy our lives to this day, and the hell that most of us fear was made for them and was not meant for us.. We need to be careful how we hear things or take them, because if we accept this as Gods Word we lose so much of the integrity of it that it loses its foundation. This movie is heresy to Gods Word and Truth! I still can not finish it and it is my 3rd attempt. The only way I could stomach it for a 3rd time is that I read the life of Noah for myself in Genesis to bring it back to Truth. I also wanted to let everyone know that hasnt or doesnt remember the Bible that God made Noah a beautiful covenant! That He would never destroy every living thing with a flood and the rainbow is His sign from this covenant. The rainbow will renew His covenant with us, and He shall always remember. Also remember that God is not man that He can lie, He is forever faithful and forever the same. The blessing is Genesis 9:20 - Genesis 10:17, better to read it for yourself. We need to know the truth and stand for it, I am astonished they took it so far into fantasy when it is so important. They made God seem to be like a monster, when really He did this to save us from ourselves, He loves us beyond our own comprehension. I mean think about this people do you build a new house on a failing structure? You have to start from the ground up, and thats what this is. Sad thing is is that what Noah needs to represent is us becoming apart from God with apostacy. We can do nothing good apart from God, and this modern day time would most likely be very close, if not even worse to the carnality of Noahs day and age. God even had to give us a new foundation after Noah, Jesus Christ is now our foundation because our hearts are still evil without God intervening. Its Him who is righteous and we are all righteous only by His blood. He died so that we can finally have a relationship with God instead of spending our lives trying to be Holy, which is not possible for man. Only one did this and it was Jesus, God in the flesh! He loved us so that He bore our sins and transgressions so that He could make us righteous and we could enter into the presence of God. Praise the Lord for being so generous for providing everything that we will ever need to not only survive but to prosper, on this earth and spiritually.
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 19:01:19 +0000

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