To anyone who has seen the film, God is Not Dead, let me give you - TopicsExpress


To anyone who has seen the film, God is Not Dead, let me give you a summary from the Christian perspective as to why the film is utter garbage: reddit/r/Christianity/comments/217qvp/gods_not_dead_the_movie_can_we_talk_about_how/ As for myself, I oppose any attempt to flanderize and misframe the conversation -- which is exactly what this film does. My opinions on the matter of religion may be strong, but I would never insult my theist counterparts or misrepresent them so disgustingly. Firstly: over 75% of this nation is Christian. This campus where our protagonist is the minority, much less seemingly the only Christian, is suspect at best. Second: No philosophy teacher would be so brazen as to push the entire class into their agenda. Philosophy is first and foremost the art of advancing and discussing perspective. Anyone who has taken a philosophy class would know that this professor would lose his job after a single lecture, not be on track for promotion to department head. Third: The commercial aspect of this film is tacky at best. Duck Dynasty has made the rounds of controversy, but Ive heard nothing negative from the Newsboys. That they would so full-heatedly throw their brands behind such a sham of a film has assured them more haters than fans. It is a masturbatory, literal preaching to the choir affair. Fourth: This notion embodied by the films antagonist, the Chick Tract professor, that atheists are simply theists who are angry at God, is insulting. It utterly misrepresents atheists, who are a widely diverse group. True, many atheists in America are former Christians, but thats to be expected when the majority of people in this nation are Christian! And former Christians -- such as myself -- leave for a myriad of reasons. To place such a sweeping generalization in the conversation is tantamount to ending it. I know it can seem as though Christianity is somehow being destroyed, but the fact is that it is simply being removed from its position of special treatment. Christians still make up the majority of the most powerful nation on this planet, and the Catholic Church is the largest organization in the worlds history -- meanwhile, atheists are hard-pressed, ranking among the least-trusted demographics in Gallop and Pew polls, behind even RAPISTS. Any elected official who is openly atheist had essentially written a death-sentence for their campaign in America -- doubly-so for the presidency. Does this match the narrative this movie has framed for its audience? No. Rather than engaging in a useful dialogue about religion and atheism, God is Not Dead seems to place itself in some strange, spiritual dystopia that bears little resemblance to reality. Im not sure if god is dead, just as Im not sure hes alive. But whichever he is, I hope he can afford a better PR agent than the crew behind this film. Please, dont further warp the frame of discussion -- dont give these people your money.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 03:04:47 +0000

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