To anyone who will read it! I think I have figured out why the - TopicsExpress


To anyone who will read it! I think I have figured out why the Media reports the Market Basket story as it does. They constantly remind us in their reports that “due to empty shelves or picket lines the customers are stating away” this is far from the truth, I will say it may keep a very small percentage away however the vast majority are willingly boycotting Market basket. (if someone could figure out the stats on that would be great) Now to why, well that is simple the people whom run this country and that includes the media outlets and corporate leaders do not want us to realize the power of the people and how great that is. By telling in the report that we are, staying away cause of low stock is an attempt to isolate the employees that are standing against the corporate greed. By doing so the people that are not in this area of the country believe there is only a fraction of the 25k employees protested and it is their fault there are no customers. If they were to report and I challenge them to that the reason there is no customers is because the 2 million customers are boycotting and standing with the employees of Market Basking in their stand against corporate greed. If the American people knew that 2Million customers plus the 25K employees are standing as one, then all of corporate America that is greedy may have to change. Realizing if this happens to them and how effective it is to take down a billion dollar company, and how strong the people can be when united to do so. So in order to keep anything from changing they need to keep the secret that the power does not really lay in the CEO but in the Employees and customers, and if they unite against them they face disaster as in there pocketbook. This fight is more than Market Basket its much bigger! To finish I am not advocating violence, in any way in fact for this to work this must be done with peaceful and orderly protest (such as MB are currently doing). So when the media does not report the willing customers remember they just do not want to let us know the true power of the people. A CUSTOMER of Market Basket STAY STRONG STAY MARKET BASKET STRONG
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 00:03:32 +0000

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