To be genuinely happy, you must learn to not depend on people or - TopicsExpress


To be genuinely happy, you must learn to not depend on people or things for wholeness. Be content, even in solitude. When nobody will talk to you, have a kind internal dialogue with yourself. When nobody will love you, give self-love to yourself. When nobody will understand you, be patient...take time to understand yourself. When nobody compliments you, be light hearted, and compliment yourself. When nobody listens to you, be gentle, and listen to yourself. When nobody motivates you, be courageous...and motivate yourself. When nobody cares for you, be loving, and take care of yourself. Depend on nobody. Count on no external source. Always go within. Every other method is a form of madness. Understand this. There WILL always be certain emotional and mental needs that you will face in your lifetime. Nobody can understand what those needs are better than you can. Therefore, Nobody can fill that particular need more efficiently, in the way it needs to be filled... than you can. Look after yourself. Listen to yourself. Love yourself. Be patient with yourself. Do for your own being....the things that you would do for the person you absolutely adored. Every single time. In every way. Dont feel guilty, or silly, or absurd. It is absolutely vital. Remember how open minded, forgiving, gentle, understanding and patient you naturally are, when you feel warm, loved and desired. Remember how empty, bitter, hateful, spiteful, judgmental and vengeful you can be, when you feel cold, unloved and unwanted. Never give someone else the power to give or take your sacred wholeness. Never give some external source the power to give or take that vital love to or from you. Never give someone else the blueprints to your own psyche. Never relinquish the care of your soul to someone else. Ever. No matter who it is. You need to give yourself the replenishment you require. On our own. With love, and patience, and kindness, and respect. Always remember. If you give without replacing,you will always run dry. If you give to get, you will always be unbalanced and calculating. If you give from a place of fullness, wholeness, and peace, you do not need. You do not want. You overflow. Without thinking about it. You are optimally charged, from the highest source. You are beauty. You are grace. You are love. You are peace. You are kindness. You are purity. You are wisdom. Take the time to get to know yourself. Be patient. Listen. Be kind. Dont criticize. Dont shame. Dont speak using the words and voices of negative influences throughout your life. Listen to the quiet voice that is truly your own. It is there, once you silence the rest. It is willing to speak when you finally are ready to give it your undivided attention. Connect to your highest source. Connect to your spirit. Fill our own needs. Cater to your own happiness, and peace of mind. Correctly, fully. Humbly. Make peace with your non peace. Dont hide it with pretense. Let it exist, then let it all go. It wont stick to you when it sees you are in calm acceptance. It will fall off you and drip off into space as it acknowledges your power. You have the highest power. Within you. Own it. You are pure love. You deserve unconditional love. So get used to it. Live in in. And learn to selflessly give it. To yourself, and to all those around you. You are your own soulmate. Your soul- best friend. Your soul-confidant. You are wonderful!!
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 19:13:59 +0000

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