To be good at life you have to know when to stand firm and when to - TopicsExpress


To be good at life you have to know when to stand firm and when to be flexible. It takes instinct and intuition and it takes guidance from the Holy Spirit – and maybe those are all the same thing. It takes keeping first things first – and having the wisdom to know what qualifies as a “first thing.” We started the homeschooling journey three years ago – and I’m nowhere close to ready for the journey to end. I love, love, LOVE homeschooling. It’s been one of the most rewarding and fulfilling ventures in my life thus far. However, my son, Jon, who is entering sixth grade this year, is ready for something different. He wants to go to school. Ouch. Talk about a kick in the gut. I sacrificed so much to create a life where we could homeschool. My feelings are hurt, my pride is wounded, and I’m annoyed, frustrated, and disappointed. But…I DO understand my son’s desire to attend school. He loves competitive sports, he wants to be around his friends all day, and he just kind of, sort of wants to be “normal.” As much as I want him home, I believe wholeheartedly in the unschooling educational philosophy which allows children to learn however THEY most desire to learn – and I guess sometimes they want to learn the same way everyone else is learning: by going to a school. This is very hard for me but I’m allowing him to attend school starting Friday. I am sending him to a school that is outside of our school district because it is the best school within driving distance and has won many awards for excellence in education. I’ve shed many tears over this but I want to respect my son and his desires. After thinking and praying about this, I don’t feel like this is a battle worth fighting him over. My son is smart, mature, and he has been equipped with a lot the past three years of homeschool. I know God will protect him and allow him to thrive in school. Please no sermons, advice, or arguments about this decision. Just love, support and prayers, please! I’m trying to do what I feel is, overall, best for my child – not for my pride.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 19:56:53 +0000

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