To be honest, I enjoy listening to Juju speak, he says a gift of - TopicsExpress


To be honest, I enjoy listening to Juju speak, he says a gift of entertaining the crowds and say all the things that people wannna hear, he also has a gift of insighting the crowds, believe me whenever I miss his speeches its like missing one of my favourite soapies, the guy is good. What worries me though is that hes using his gift to confuse andnmislead the innocent masses and youth, we know very well that Juju knows his politics very well, but for some reason, his decision making procesess is very questionable. Most leaders like Juju made their wealth while they were in the Mass Democratic Movement led by the ANC, we saw him rise from rags to riches within a short period, I have to admit his charm, charisma and ability to say the right things at the right time no matter whose feelings he has to tremple on helped him bigtime, we know very well how much influence he had on the Limpopo Provincial Govt, at that time,according to him, everything within the movement was well and fine, but just like any other dictator, the problem starts when other leaders publicly starts to disagree with his methods and leadership style, never disagree with a dictator. I feel very sad for those who put their wait behind him today, the honeymoon is still at its peak as theres no one within his leadership who has disagreed with his leadership style or methods. I wish ppl will realise that sooner or later. And please note.....this is very important, the imperialists that he so much criticises do not want any black led political movement to have 2/3 majority as anyone who gets that majority will have the power to change the constitutution, at this moment the constitution benefits the same imperialists more than the poor masses. So they are gonna make sure that the ANC does not get that majority, especiallly after the radical Mangaung resolutins. By using influential and disgruntled figures like Juju, Lekota, Ramphele and the others is a very good strategy for them bcos even if they can unseat the ANC, none of them will get the 2/3 majority. The point Im trying to make here is that, lets not allow the imperialists to confuse our struggle, yes its true there are so many challenges the country is facing at the moment, not forgrtting that the very same imperialist have the ability to infiltrate our beloved movement so that people can loose hope and faithnin it, so whatever the confusion going on at the moment works in the benefit of the imperialists. Cdes lets make sure we go out in numbers to educate our ppl about this problem so that ourr ppl can go out in numbers and vote the ANC in the 2014 elections, all we need is 67% ot the national votes, then things will be really different. Yes corruption does contribute in the failures we witnes today, but its not the only thing, theres more to it, infact, corruption didnt start in 1994 when Mandela took over or in 2009 when Zuma took over, pls note that apatheid was a worst form of corruotion as it alllowed the state to even kill or imprison anyone who opposed it, todaythe very same white ppl who used to vkte for the National party to maintain apartheid claim to know more about democracy and human rights than the ANC, the sad part isnthat they gonna use our mistakes to convince our ppl that they can do something better than us, and when they fail in that, they make sure to encourage the mushrooming of smaller oppositin parties like EFF, AGANG, COPE and others, its not a coincidence that all these parties start cropping up on the eve of national elections Cdes, this is only my personal view of the political situation in the country, but pls before u jump ship, lets look at the facts very well Viva ANC Viva President Msholozi
Posted on: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 10:22:04 +0000

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