To be honest I havent seen many of these, some, but not enough for - TopicsExpress


To be honest I havent seen many of these, some, but not enough for someone who complains about cinema as much as I do... As Ive said before, if I only listened to the charts, I could say it was a bad year for music too... So to say cinema is dying is grossly unfair... But... Theres an interesting thing about this list... (spoiler ;) ) Godzilla and Lucy both make it... Guardians of the Galaxy doesnt, and nor does Lego, or Edge of Tomorrow... Which basically means they think Lucy and Godzilla are more deserving than GotG, Lego and Edge. At first I felt this made them idiots, but, while I loved GotG and would likely be my favourite film this year, its a tough call between that and Lego... Actually... Godzilla is a better film than Guardians from a purely movie making sense... Probably better than edge as well... As enjoyable, no, I think expectations play a huge rill in everything. I also think you have to consider your material and Godzilla was the wrong film for a Godzilla movie... Doesnt take away from how good some a lot of its elements were though. But... Is it better than the lego.... No, I dont think so... As for Lucy... No... Just no, it doesnt belong on any beat film of the year list by anyone with any sense... Was it the worst film ever? No... World war z and Prometheus do still exist and it doesnt come close to that bad... Does Lucy have anything going for it that allows it to make a top 25 of the year list, alongside some of those mentioned here, when you have forsaken the likes of edge and lego... Sure, theyre not the best made films either, maybe not deserving a top 25 of the year mention either, but they are definitely better than Lucy... Again though, as I frequently say when I rant and cause movie arguments, what I love about cinema... Its about personal taste... Even in the making of a film... Yes you can argue the technicals, shot choices, pacing, the acting etc. But still, with all that there, with all the theory in the world as to what one shot choice is better than another etc. its still an art form and so still down to taste. Just like a painting, or a book and that why something like Lucy can make a top 25 list... Even though it was laughably bad ;) Next year, I am going to really make the effort with cinema... And not just moan that some blockbuster sucks and so cinema therefore must... Its not true, and its not fair :)
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 11:04:37 +0000

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