To be honest, I should be nervous. I have just been given a - TopicsExpress


To be honest, I should be nervous. I have just been given a sentence to start a story with and I have no clue how should I go ahead. I am just scribbling whatever that comes into my mind, taking mild care of the sentences: its length, its structure and the words that are being written. For instance, I am not using sentences of similar length next to each other more than twice. If I do that, the writing will get monotonous and the reader, bored. Im not employing the same words twice. Notice how I wrote employing instead of repeating the word using in the last line. Did you? Good. Writing is a difficult task. One doesnt get to know how much technicality goes behind each written line. For example, I changed the paragraph and you hardly noticed. Now you are staring at the beginning of this paragraph and saying, Of course I noticed the change of paragraphs. But ask the voice in your head; did it encounter a break while slipping from the above paragraph to this one? No, right? And theres a reason for that. Its the last word of the previous paragraph, the word Good. Had that word not been there, your eyes would have been busy in noticing, as Id asked you to, and there would be an odd reading pause between the paragraphs. It would have hindered the flow and made this writing slightly dull. You might not have reached here. The maxim everyone can write, now a cliché, needs a postscript: not everyone can write well. Because writing isnt just about beautiful language. Its not just about the fragrant memories while one walks one the wet grass looking at the velvety sky. Its about technicality. Its about the form and the structure, and that comes from reading. That comes from studying the styles of writers. The writer, unlike here, rarely explains why he changed the paragraph at the precise spot he did; he seldom elucidates why he used a semi-colon and not a full-stop before this sentence. The reader, who wishes to be a writer, has to derive their own answers. And ask their own questions to the text, questions that quizzes the sheer assertion of the writer, questions such as: Where is the story in this? (Thanks Debjani for the first line To be honest, I should be nervous.)
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 16:07:40 +0000

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