To be or not to be… by Miqhael-M. Khesapeake And the god - TopicsExpress


To be or not to be… by Miqhael-M. Khesapeake And the god said to me: Yes, thats it, your world is a specter, its a mirror for diaphanous shades of your fates, played on chess, a playground for gods, you live in a bubble of glass, you have choices, to be killed or be Hannibal Lecter... Its your choice, your ridiculous chance, die or just dance your role, the world is a mere stage! You cant kill yourself, you have to play your role in this world, you dont have the choice of not having a choice! Yes, for nothing too much noise! Yes, maybe this sounds too odd, but its the true word, you must go on with your living, play your role, even if its killing, the show must go on, you should play on, you should be, theres no doubt, no question! To be an earthling, thats the matter, thats my sparkle in my mind, maybe an illusion, maybe Ill live to do things better, or maybe worse, or worst, my great confusion! I cant kill myself, I cant be a lost ghost, youll come then and place me on the stage, and the comedy shall be outrage! Whats nobler, or better, whats that which should be forever? To be an earthling, thats the matter, I have to live my reality, my role, I cannot postpone on later! To be, or not to be... thats the question, thats also the matter. Thats the curious question, to be or not to be, to play or not to play on this curious stage, of chess... Whether tis nobler and high in mind to suffer or in soul to feel the pain... of all those slings and arrows of your will, gods, of that established and cruel fortune? I play my role with children and with siblings… Outrageous is to be or not to be, to play or not to play... its almost quite the same; if I can get rich or run insane... What’s better and nobler, to take arms against all this sea of troubles? Where is that machine of Wells? What’s the alternative? To sleep, to die, to be just cruel and smile? What’s the alternative, my gods? To cry out to the stars? To search for all the snares? To play with bows and spears? Whatever step I will do, theres no sleep too. One time Ill go to sleep, and in my role on this stage Ill think Im free from all as in that end. Im a flesh puppet, you know, Im quiet about that, I am nobody yet. This flesh has no inheritance, but only a theatrical chance. To be or not to be... to do or not to do... My only chance is to say yes, no no and no no more... On this stage my flesh shall know the fair consummation, afterwards my spirit will be put in another puppet, with another equation... Its gonna be a mutual consumption... To die, or not to die... to play chess with you, gods, its my only hope, I got it! I got what you mean! From that sleep of death youll rise me as plain, Ill be a painter of fates once again... Another play shall be played, another curtain... Some wires there of a coil, after that embodiment coil, the greatest one insane, thats the new play... or plan. Must give us pause: theres the respect that makes again that calamity of so long; For, who would bear the whips and scorns of time better than me, gods? I need money and ships for this new play, let me shine out of this curtain! The insolence of their presence and their spurns I bore, I was patient and Ill raise again like out of foams... Youre welcome, my nonhuman speaker, lets do some things! Am I much weaker? Yes, I can write about the unworthy bliss! To be or not to be, this is my destiny, my dangerous kiss, to work hard or to play, to grunt and sweat under a weary life, this’s somewhat I already played several times... But be the dread of something after death, the undiscovered discovery of that fire-bourn that is to change with that key to burn, be welcome you traveller, a puzzle is my life, but whats life, when its already played in the open air by me, the old one on this ground? I will soon make enough, but I dont know if I should laugh, this is the question, the new sensation, the new hypothesis about all those bound in the cave who are meant to see the show, to see the stage that glow, and getting, this way, their futile age... What is conscience, if not a plague in a plage? Yes, if one is a native here, he can be the one, he can wear a crown or can be the clown... You have that freedom to play more seriously or more funnily, after the watchers’ will, in their moment of greatness that fulfill. All our great enterprises are small, all those small are great, depending on whos he player, I was a dreamer, now just a player, its about to be in the pith or in the pitch... Its just a role, now a saint, later a bad wizard or a witch... Theres no great moment of you people, but only to play or not to play, which is to say to play, I say... to play. Dont turn away, dont turn your heads, you wont see the invisible applauses, you wont hear all those laughters, just be regardless, yes! To be or not to be is to be, and not questioning the being, if youre a metaphysician, play dreaming, if youre a land worker, be working! To dream or not to dream, thats the real question, lets dream were there alone, lets just dream on! And the god said: Youre a good player yet, yea, thats my puppet! 27.02.2014
Posted on: Thu, 27 Feb 2014 01:03:24 +0000

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