To begin, let’s start with cleansing. Being you asked how, I am - TopicsExpress


To begin, let’s start with cleansing. Being you asked how, I am thinking you have never played with a pendulum before. Many books will tell you to hold it in your hand, chain and all. Imagine a white light or energy coming down from the sky, heavens, universe, and flowing into you from the top of your head. Imagine this light or energy flowing down your arm into the pendulum. Filling and washing it of any residue that might interfere with the workings of the pendulum. A point I need to make here is that not everyone visualizes with sight. Some do so by feel (like me) others by smell, by taste, by sound and by touch. Did you note feel does not need touch? Can you “see” the energy, or do you “hear” the static sound it makes as it is flowing around you? Take a penny between your thumb & first 2 fingers. Now focus on feeling an energy flowing from your fingers into the penny. As you do this you will begin to feel a tingling & a pulsing in the penny. Put the penny down & go do lunch or dinner or laundry. You get the idea. Afterwards go pick up the penny in your fingers again & just feel what is there to feel. Do you feel a pulsing? Do you feel a tingling? The pulsing is the blood flowing to the beat of your heart. The tingling is the energy you pumped into the penny. Now onto the cleansing and tuning of the pendulum. If you live on the ground floor of an apartment building or a house that is on the ground & not on stilts. You can place the pendulum on the floor. Place your hand on top of it and feel the flow passing into then thru the pendulum and into the ground. If you live higher up you can hold the pendulum against an outer wall and feel the energy flow into then thru the pendulum and into the wall. Doing it this way you need to feel your energy flow all the way into the earth. This is one way of grounding. As in ground and center. If you have trouble with the distance then I suggest going outside, sitting on the ground, placing it in front or beside you, putting your hand or just your finger tips on top of it and feel the flow. How to hold your pendulum for use. Holding a pendulum is like using yarn to play with a kitten. Some days it like to play one way and others it likes to play another. The good part is it doesn’t take long to see if it will play. It can be with the yarn laying over your pointer finger or strait down from your thumb & first 2 fingers. the yarn shorter or longer can change how strongly it swings. Next is. Do you hold it straight out in front of you or bent elbow and down lower? Or do you do it with your elbow on a table and the pendulum held over a map. (I’m still talking dowsing) If you are walking a property looking for water. Start at an edge of the property. Hold it before you so you will be able to see its swing. Stop, stand still. Focus on making the pendulum stop swinging. I would command something like – I am here to find a clean underground water supply on this area of land. You will guild me to it. Show me the direction I need to go. – Now I will allow the pendulum to swing freely. I will walk 20 to 100 paces, stop. Hold up the pendulum. Stop its movement. Then command it once again – Guild me to the clean water. Show me the direction I need to go. I will keep this up until the pendulum swings just in a circle. I would have had to shorten the paces to zero in on the spot. I would have also walked to the side and checked to see if the pendulum was still swinging at that spot. Next point (yes I jump around a lot. That is why I haven’t written any of the books I would like to have). Is a pendulum magical in and of itself? Do you remember the penny? If you were just pushing energy. It would be a battery. If you were holding an intent and having a person in mind as you did so, would it affect any one that handled it? Or would it only affect the person that you had in mind as you charged it? How would if affect that person? (When I was just coming into my teens I discovered how to do things using pennies) OK a pendulum can be purified. It can be energized. It can be given an intent focused for one person or anyone. Does this make it magical? Yes. BUT! What else is needed to make the magick work? The person. Some people have a natural gift that allows that person to do this or that repeatedly without missing a beat. Others can do things out of the blue but can never seem to be able to repeat it again. Then there are all the rest that learn how to do things. Everyone has some things that they can learn to do better than others. And everyone has things that work easier for them than other things. And some things just don’t work at all for them. Training. Take a piece of paper. Put a ¼ inch dot in the center of it. Next at the top and the bottom, lined up with the dot, write “YES”. To the right and left of the dot write “NO”. This is the simplest form of a pendulum board. With the pendulum board setting on a desk or table in front of you. Hold the pendulum over the dot. Then command “Swing this direction to tell me yes.” At that point you would swing the pendulum to and fro. Next you will stop the movement and go back over the dot. Then command “Swing this direction to tell me no.” at this point you would swing the pendulum side to side over the dot. Next stop over the dot. Then command “swing this way to tell me -unsure but could be.” At this point you will swing the pendulum in a clock wise circle. Now stop the pendulum over the dot. Command “swing this way to tell me – unsure but unlikely.” At this point you will swing the pendulum in a counter clock wise circle. By doing this before asking any questions you are training your body, brain & mind to respond in a given way to a given answer. So at last we have come to. How does a pendulum work and how can it give me answers to questions that I don’t know the answers to. A pendulum is an easily moved object that will move from the slightest twitch of the muscles in your hand, arm, shoulder and body. These are all controlled by your brain which is controlled by your mind. By practicing with your pendulum you are giving the deepest and most receptive parts of your mind a way to answer any questions you ask. Some people are only able to get answers to things that have been recorded from their direct or periphery awareness. Your mind and brain are the greatest super computers in the known universe. So they can put the pieces together to give you the answers. Then there are the ones that have minds that, naturally or thru training, can pick up on information that is beyond their life experiences. Hopefully you are a natural but if not you can learn to one degree or another. If you are not getting a response. Put the pendulum away and try again at a later time. Try rewording your question. Keep it simple and to the point. After asking a question, hold the question lightly as if it is a butterfly or humming bird. Keep your mind open to the answer but do not ponder what the answer is or should be. This can affect your body, brain and mind. Therefore affecting the movements of the pendulum. Divination. This is where a person connects with a God or Goddess. Then using the pendulum as the tool to show what that being has to say. One can gain insight and wisdom. One also needs a more detailed pendulum board. I have found that a voice activated recorder helps a lot also. My final note is a warning for your peace and safety. Never blindly accept any information you glean from the use of your pendulum. Use it as a source of knowledge to consider and seek to see if it is accurate and safe to use. If you train or practice the magical arts and crafts, keep it close. Do not tell your friends what you are into or what you can do. Don’t try to show off what you are doing. If you do you take a chance of becoming an outcast or even worse a target. As I have stated earlier. Not all things work for everyone. If you try and it doesn’t work then practice. If it still doesn’t work then you may need to try a different system. I myself have never been able to get cards or runes to work for me. The pendulum comes more easily than any other system I have tried. I hope it works as well for you. If you are interested in learning more about how to work with the magical arts and crafts a good book to read and use is – Energy Essentials for Witches and Spellcasters by Mya Om. I hope you well and I hope I have helped, Grayling Wind Rider
Posted on: Wed, 14 Aug 2013 19:23:18 +0000

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