To beloved Politikoffee Members, I have been listening to LDP - TopicsExpress


To beloved Politikoffee Members, I have been listening to LDP since 2008. More addictive than me, since Mr. Khem Veasna left Sam Rainsy Party in 2005, my father without fail has been listening to LDP almost every day. My brother is a big fan of LDP and he often helps organize LDP’s public forums. We agree that we have learnt a lot from Mr. Khem Veasnas talks on Dhama, arts of living, philosophy of life and political concepts. We discuss and we really appreciate his good intention for Cambodian people to live in better life. No question about his good intention but we question about the public perceptions towards him and LDP. Simply, for myself I dont agree all the points and as a result, through Politikoffee I used to invite Mr. Khem Veasna to explain and I was trying to challenge and seek for the convincing answers. At that time I did not buy his explanation and I know that I as well as other participants could not challenge him anymore. Simply, disagreements always happen for those who talk politics. But we have to be open-minded and agree to disagree. Political tolerance is one of the core elements of sound democracy. If you say you are a democracy-lover, check the level of your political tolerance towards those who have different opinions. I used to meet very important politicians of CPP and CNRP and I also have Mr. Veasnas number and we called and exchanged sms a few times. However, I am not a supporter of LDP, CNRP or CPP but I do support their youth to come to discuss politics and policies. I do support them to come to listen, learn and discuss with experts and other participants at #Politikoffee. The “RIGHT and WRONG” of political parties, speakers, politicians and participants of Politikoffee is NOT our interest and purpose. But we are interested in seeing especially political activists or youth coming from different political tendencies and affiliations to talk and debate with each other open-mindedly and understandably in order to share and learn something new together, based on the principles of national interest, solidarity and fraternity. We are trying to cultivate a democratic political culture in Cambodia; the culture that we dream of seeing future political leaders honestly working together for the national interests of our motherland. Again, we are not interested in saying who is right or wrong. “What’s morally wrong cannot be politically right,” Mahatma Gandhi kept reminding his Indian people. In solidarity, Ou Ritthy, Co-founder of Politikoffee
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 15:18:56 +0000

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