To come back home after a year abroad is a truly remarkable thing. - TopicsExpress


To come back home after a year abroad is a truly remarkable thing. It has now been almost three weeks since I landed and it feels like I now have finally goten used to being back. To be back as a person, strong and with a sense of individuality to the world I belong in. I wonder if I have changed, or if the country or continent have changed even more. With the events of the past few days, I just need to say a few things. I left on the premise that I needed change and to gain new perspectives, and I got that a thousand times over, and I will be forever greatful for the people I got to know and that helped me achieve that, and for all support I had from home. But I have come back to a place that I do not recognise and that feels old, old in the sense that old dogmas seems to be the current state, and old in the sense that we seem to not have learned from history. The EU was founded on the premise that there had to be an end to ever going wars and racial issues. And the peace has been kept ever since 45, for the longest period of time in history. We seem to have forgotten the ideas of helping eachother, building a stronger world, and eliminating the chance of us ever finding people stolen from their lives and having them end in a shower. Of discriminating fellow humans, simply for reasons that should only be a part of old historybooks in the section of I cant believe they used to do that back in the days?, the same chapter that should contain the burning of witches and the crusades. I feel sad when I see the winds of old ideals blowing through Europe instead of new fresh ones, based on compassion, understanding, and a love for all. To find my hopes and dreams of coming back to a strong united union of countries working together for a common cause, replaced my politicians and everyday people alike, forgetting how long we have come in these few years, and instead taking us back to a time that scares me. To come back home, only to start thinking of where I should move to find people with a brighter view for the future instead that I can make my new one. We cant keep the discussions quiet anymore, and we cant accept what is happening in our world. There can be to acceptance and shrugging of shoulder for the people that are trying to destroy what we love, care for and are proud of. We have come to far to let anyone take us back to square one. We need to keep fighting to find our way back to a world we recognise. And to keep moving forward from there.
Posted on: Wed, 28 May 2014 23:25:03 +0000

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