To continue about our morning ride on Day 17.... We followed the - TopicsExpress


To continue about our morning ride on Day 17.... We followed the road which paralleled the trail through rather flat terrain. There were farmers out early in the morning tilling the fields with their large green tractors. The land has changed since we first started. The earth was redder now and carried a pleasant coppery scent to it. The long fields of grain and sunflowers now where predominated by long stalks of corn. We started seeing more cattle too. We pushed to get to Leon today, another 54 kms. Some guide books say that the trail is not pleasant going into Leon and should be skipped, but I found it delightful. We went through the outskirts which had numerous interesting shops. Then suddenly we would be in fields again. At one point we were surrounded by a hungry flock of black faced sheep. Once in the city, it was mostly downhill as we zoomed along wide sidewalks and zipped through intersections. It was fun to fly along like this in the urban setting. We made our way towards the old Roman walled inner city, parked our bikes, and headed to the Cathedral area. It was so crowded and exciting. They had vendors everywhere and tons of people coming and going. We settled ourselves at an outdoor cafe and watched the people go by. Twice we saw two beautiful couples dressed in their finest holding very young babies dressed in opulent baptismal gowns. The energy of this city was intoxicating. More to come on this day....
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 17:39:39 +0000

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