To d ladies out there; You can’t keep your eye - TopicsExpress


To d ladies out there; You can’t keep your eye off him; and neither can he do for you. The only problem lies in the fact that he doesn’t leave any windows open for you to pounce him. At this point you may be asking yourself the same question that many ask themselves, Is it me? Is he into guys? Is he… He is shy. He gets nervous around you 1. He Asks Your Friends About You If he likes you but is too afraid to tell you, he might not be asking you directly about the things about you that he wants to know but he will ask your friends. This is a clear indication that he wants to know more about you but not really sure of how to approach you. Don’t worry, if you have notices these signs a shy guy likes you, just ensure that you leave hints that you like him too and they will know what to do. 2. He Acts Silly Around You How can you tell if a shy guy likes you, when all he does is act all goofy around you? Well on one hand, you should count your lucky stars that he acts all silly around you as this is an indication that he really likes you. When a shy guy likes you, he will try to find ways to cover it as he might be a little embarrassed by his feelings towards. By covering up he ends up being silly. When he tries so hard to impress you his mind is uneasy and can’t focus. Don’t be surprised if you see him tripping over his own feet, it means he’s got you on his mind and find it hard to concentrate. 3. He Smiles With You often When he is not falling head over heels he is just smiling hopelessly at you. It might seem as if he is getting crazy but he is only crazy for you. How to tell if a shy guy likes you, is when he is constantly in your line of sight like a lovesick puppy. Don’t panic, if he smiles at you often, it does not mean he is aware of it as it can mean that he is carried away by his thoughts. He might even stop smiling and nervously look away when he catches you looking at him. 4. He is Silent When You are Around How to know a shy guy likes you is how he acts in front of his friends when you are near him. When a guy likes a girl, he will either talk silly or go silent. If he is talking among his friends but goes silent when you walk by, then chances are he is into you. He will pretend that he was not a part of the ongoing conversation and be at a loss for words. He might even go as far as to saying something irrelevant or silly. Don’t be surprised if you say hello and he does not answer you either, it does not mean he is being rude; this is a common thing when it comes to shy guys. 5. He Changes How He Looks If all of a sudden he looks a little different especially when he is coming around you it might mean he is making an extra effort to look his best for you. How to tell when a shy guy likes you is that he might be noticeably taking special care when it comes to his hair, clothes, shoes or overall appearance in general. He might think you like a particular look and wants to impress you. If you have noticed maybe you can acknowledge him and make him know that his efforts are not lost. 6. He Stutters When He Speaks Directly to You How do you know if a shy guy likes you when he can’t even get the words out? If he is stuttering or seem to be talking gibberish that means he has it for you really bad. If a guy can’t seem to get his speech together when it comes to even the basic conversations with you, this means that he is totally into you. Mawin peepz...
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 07:43:41 +0000

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