To day is the first day of the begin of------- Lord and saver - TopicsExpress


To day is the first day of the begin of------- Lord and saver Jesus Christ. ;help me to make sure of my steps; Me Mr Felom james Hardeman I am asking for your guidenc over my life, I have made a mess of it doing it my way I am sure you have all the power and ancers that will he me to be what you created me to bee and I know your words and I metate upon thim, but I continuear to fail, I have strentinig my ming in the words of your Obedience.We as one born over nite.Lord God pleas show me my way pleas I asking for your help give me insite and strentinig me for the Jernie a let me finished my course, the life you preadestin for me your words are forevermore before me pleas continue to guide me in Righougness for your name sake, thanks again lord I am your serving; Mr Felom James Hardeman., Aman.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 09:47:12 +0000

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