To ditch potential grooms Part 119 Two hours after our - TopicsExpress


To ditch potential grooms Part 119 Two hours after our flight was scheduled to land, we finally heard the Captains voice. We would soon be arriving at our destination. Apologies were issued about the inconveniences incurred and we were told that we would be landing in the next 30 minutes. There were shouts of cheer and joy from most of the passengers, however there were a few that were sceptical and would only rejoice once they were back on the ground. I offered up a silent prayer to the man above for keeping us out of harms way. So despite all that transpired, it seemed my time on this earth was nowhere near being over. I could hardly wait to get off the plane and back to my family. The little old lady next to me nudged me and said, I hope I didnt scare you too much little one, you see at my age, we brace ourselves for the worst. I must admit I was terrified but I prayed and asked GOD to guide us to safety. Dua (prayer) is the weapon of a true believer I smiled and said. Oh you are Muslim then my dear? I have always been fascinated by your religion, so much so that I went out and bought me a Quraan (Muslim holy book), in English of course. I love learning about different cultures and religions. Its every so interesting she said. I chatted for the remainder of the flight to her and was amazed how well travelled, well read and well educated this woman was on a vast range of topics. Her name was Dorothy Parker and she was in the latter stages of 60. Looks certainly were deceiving. I would have written her off as a senile old woman but she was far from it. She was a retired professor of Archaeology I learnt and she was just arriving home after spending a glorious month with her grand daughter in America- Florida to be precise. She gave me her number and address and said I should call on her whenever I felt like as she was living alone here with her cats for company. I would certainly take pleasure in having a delightful and bright young lady like yourself as my guest said Mrs. Dorothy Parker. I made no promises but said I would certainly try and visit her if I could. We touched down at the airport after a very eventful and interesting flight. I couldnt wait to see my brother. I bid farewell to the well articulated Mrs. Parker and waited for my suitcase to arrive. I wheeled my bag and headed straight to Shaks who had the look of a man who discovered a water well in a dessert! Are you okay Shaz? he asked as he caught me in a huge bear hug without giving me a chance to reply to his question. Thank ALLAH (GOD) you are safe. I kept asking these people here what was going on but all they said was the flight was delayed due to bad weather. Nobody said anything else he drew out rather exasperated. Lets get out of here Shaks. I will fill you in on the way home I said. Shaks emulated Asif and picked my suitcase up and carried it. Asif, oh yes. I almost forgot to call him. I took out my mobile that I had put in my handbag, switched it on. As usual there was about a dozen texts from him. I dialled his number and briefly outlined what had taken place whilst Shaks placed my suitcase in the boot. I will call you later when I get home and please tell Ani and Riaz that I am safe. I dont want to disturb them at this hour I said and cut the call. I filled Shaks in on everything on the way back to Pmb, from Ani and Riaz to Aunt Rooksanas escapades, Asifs wonderful family and the slightly eccentric Mrs. Parker whom Shaks said he would love to meet. To be continued...
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 12:42:32 +0000

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