To ditch potential grooms Part 136 So what did he buy you - TopicsExpress


To ditch potential grooms Part 136 So what did he buy you Shaz? asked Asif as he strolled into my room a few minutes after they left. He found me clutching the gift in my hand with a forlorn look on my face. I dont know. I am not suppose to open it until after I receive my results and that is like 5 days away I whined. Shaks gave a deep throat chuckle in appreciation of Asifs timing. Like all lawyers my brother always found a different angle to something. He was of the opinion that Asif strategically planned to give me this gift to keep me distracted from his departure. Shaks, you are a lawyer, naturally your twisted mind would conjure up something like that I teased. I would like to think he gave me something because he missed me I said. Of course he does Shaz. I spent a lot of time with him and it was painfully obvious to everybody that the guy is in love with you. The only question I have for you is what are you both planning to do about it? he asked. Gosh, but this brother of mine was way too observant and acute for my liking. Nothing for now. We are both still young and I got to get through campus. I am not ready to be wed at 18 bro I said. Shaks seemed to think my answer was a wise one and that we had all the time in the world to think about marriage. Lots of marriages are entered into in haste and dont last the distance said Shaks with a sad look and I couldnt help but think he was talking about his own failed marriage. My brother was turning 29 next year and was lacking nothing. He had a successful career, he was handsome and had everything going for him. I only hoped and prayed that he would soon find somebody that was worthy of him. Well Shaks I cant get married now anyway because I need to marry all my brothers off first I laughed. No way he said, mom and dad are going to be stuck with me for a long time as I have no desire to make anybody elses life miserable he joked. Naseema really shattered my brothers confidence and I despised her for making my brother feel this way. I wanted to say as much but I grinded my teeth and held it in. It was two days until the new year and I was also getting edgy with regard to my results. I knew I passed. I just hoped it was a good pass though as my bursary depended on it and I said as much to the family at dinner that evening. They all reassured me that I need not worry about that. I hoped that was the case. Summer was known for its heavy rains and that night the down pour was welcomed. Hopefully it would cool things down considerably. I had enough of the blazing heat that was responsible for my now reddened skin. It was just about midnight when Asif sent me a text to say they had reached safely and that he was missing me. I replied immediately. Instead of a text, he called and promptly scolded me like I was an errant schoolgirl for being up so late. We spoke for a little while because I knew he was exhausted from the drive and I didnt want to keep him up. So I wished him good night and pleasant dreams and I closed my eyes and thought of him as I drifted off. To be continued...
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 13:06:42 +0000

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