To early for bedtime with Vickie, but not to early for..THE MAD - TopicsExpress


To early for bedtime with Vickie, but not to early for..THE MAD MAN NEWS! ?.. Ok, in sports, last night I missed bedtime with Vickie because I was keeping track of the news on my sprint car team.. And last night they were at a URC race again at Lincoln speedway, and deja vu.. The magneto, ( sends spark to Plugs) quits... End of evening, a little annoyed with new 360 engine. But... Thats racing... In news and entertainment, the stunning, Stacey Dash, you know her from the clueless movie and Tv show, was picked by FOX news to host a cultural analysis and commentary segment.. Stacey as reported by PEOPLE. Was.. And I quote here.. was: heavily criticized in the black community for supporting the white candidate ... Thats a quote, page D 8 intellegencer journal. your thoughts on That?.. Like say you were at..ohhh. brad Pitt or..jimmy fallon. ?or... Any white guy.. And you said, I dont support so and so because hes not white? then your career would be over and you would be called a racist because racist only works one way... Moving on, to education, two Indian boys, one from fort worth, the other from Michigan shared the national spelling bee contest, which I always follow, being, well, without a tv and tired of this.. Anyway this once again proves the superiority of the Indian people both in spelling and learning skills in general. finally a look at the business world of Washington because we have some ex government idiots down here on the beach too.. Seems our boy.. Traded 5 terrorists from quantanamo. ? Which he was supposed to have closed 5 years ago.. For one traitor!...This is why Detroit will never rise again.. Some people just cant make a good deal no matter what.. Like Benny Netanyahu says.. This guy is an Idiot!..and thats that for todays news.. Im trying to get another left leaning friend to join us on Question of the day.. But he doesnt want to be attacked by you disgruntled middle class worker bees.. But Im trying.. good night, lock your doors, keep pistol loaded, pray, and sleep tight.. Fatso loves you..
Posted on: Thu, 05 Jun 2014 22:37:24 +0000

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