To even raise and objection on where the Vote YES campaign - TopicsExpress


To even raise and objection on where the Vote YES campaign received contributions is being hypocritical to say the least. However, I would like to address it simply because of how foolish their argument is. Lets start by asking a question. Which would you rather have? One donor giving $56,000 to oppose two bonds or private industry donating to make sure that kids have the facilities and the means to enable them to fulfill their Texas Constitutional Right to a Free & Quality public education? That aside, individuals promoting the opposition talking point piece on where the Vote YES money came from need to educate themselves on two things: 1. The man who gave money to the opposition is from Dallas. No children in Keller ISD or Birdville ISD. His name is Monty Bennett. Why is this important? He is a Board Member on Texans for Education Reform. This group is directly responsible for charter school interests in Texas. Even if you think it is okay for ONE individual who has zero interests within the Keller ISD to give 100% of funds towards opposition (you think that is democracy?), do you really think it is a good idea for charter schools to actively campaign against public schools? Charter schools are corporate driven. Their interests are their shareholders and making a profit. Not children. 2.) You need to educate yourself on the school construction process. School construction is done (by law) by a bid process. All builders have to turn in a SEALED bid in order to be awarded the contract to build a school. The lowest bidder BY LAW has to be awarded that job. The Vote YES campaign does have builders and architectural firms that donated to this cause. That in no way guarantees them a contract to build a school. To think otherwise is not correct. As a matter of fact, any future contracts to build any of the necessary schools could very well be awarded to a construction company that did not donate any money at all. So, it is kind of insignificant that they donated at all. One more thing actually...if you were to take away the 96% of those donations (as cited in their butchered article), $25,000 (not sure where they came to this number), that would mean that contributions from individuals come to roughly, a little over a grand total of $4,100. Monte Bennett gave $41,000. That means that one man driven by an agenda donated over 10 times the amount than what the Vote YES PAC raised. I suppose KISD parents and taxpayers should be okay with man out of Dallas with an agenda coming in and buying an election that decides the future of their sons and daughters? I am not. What do they have more of a problem with, the fact that Monty Bennett could not outright buy the election or the fact that enough money was raised in an effort to keep a semblance of democracy in Keller, Texas? Here are the attachments for the Vote YES PAC. Unlike the opposition, transparency is not an issue.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 20:59:29 +0000

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