To every single one of you who keeps reposting the Pelosi - TopicsExpress


To every single one of you who keeps reposting the Pelosi soundbite- and derivatives thereof- about the Emancipation Proclamation being an executive order, might I invite you to stop repeating propaganda and research the actual historical events before making yourselves look like fools to those of us who study history? I dont care if its left or right, I HATE propaganda and people who lack the intellectual honesty or integrity to present accurate, cogent arguments. Heres the reality- The Emancipation Proclamation was not what freed the slaves, it was not an executive order, it was an ultimatum given to the southern states who were in open rebellion in a state of war under his LEGAL authority of executive war powers of an intended action to free the slaves if they did not cease their rebellion in order to cripple their economy. Lincoln was very careful not to overstep his authority and crafted the proclamation to ONLY affect those states who had seceded from the Union which had not already come back under Union control during the war and were thus in open rebellion and war, as he recognized he did not have the legal authority to take such action against states still within the Union. The Proclamation did not effect slavery in border states nor in those Confederate territory retaken by Union forces due to that same legal authority issue. Likewise, the Emancipation Proclamation did not free the slaves, that was done by the 13th Amendment to the US Constitution, legislated and passed by Congress, signed by President Lincoln, and ratified by the required 3/4ths of the states of the Union. This is straight from the National Archives (link below) and not someone spouting it off for a camera. Please, if you wish for people like me to have a shred of respect for you when you present ANY argument, please please PLEASE do some basic research into a claim before posting it on Facebook or presenting it in an argument.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 08:37:22 +0000

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