To everyone concerned or interested on the Ray Rice debacle! It is - TopicsExpress


To everyone concerned or interested on the Ray Rice debacle! It is a serious issue that needs to be addressed but it is a Domestic Violence case and should be treated as such. To sue or fine the NFL, fire the Commissioner etc. is just absolute overkill to an incident that happens daily worldwide. Do we not have a judicial system to determine his guilt or innocence? If found guilty do we not now have the right to move forward and add punishment and possible lifetime banishment to protect the reputation of a credible organization like the NFL? Again, I am not defending nor condoning his actions. He is receiving his due at this time. The world is falling apart with more pressing issues such as ISIS in Syria, Iraq, Iran, Libya along with Isis sympathizer in the US and Europe. Ebola in Africa, pollution, global warming and poverty to add on to world problems. Ray Rice was raised in aa imperfect part of the ghetto. So I say what my Lord says Let he who is without sin cast the first stone! The person who was hurt the most (His wife) spoke out on behalf of her husband and their marriage. So why are we now opening a wound to restart the bleeding when the problem was addressed and the broken heart was mended. Though she is the victim, obviously her marriage is Sacred and worthy of saving! The court of public and media opinion needs to stop !!!........ Lord Jesus? Please Bless America!!! Apologies! Ive been alittle irritated about this whole thing. Forgive then pray for him, and lets move on. God Bless.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 04:23:45 +0000

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