To finish off the last three days of my Gratitude Challenge which - TopicsExpress


To finish off the last three days of my Gratitude Challenge which I have long delayed (I was nominated by former high school teacher Pam Stinson back in August), I will list the remaining nine things that have come to mind during the last month and combine these remaining three days (I have completed two so far) in one post. This challenge encourages a person to list three things that they are thankful for each day for five days (normally five consecutive days). I will be nominating two people to partake in this challenge for each of my remaining three days; take as long as you want, as one can take time to contemplate and collect their thoughts on gratitude, but ideally list three things in five different posts (Im just being lazy because I want to get this over with...after all, I said I would complete this challenge!). Then, nominate two others for every gratitude post you make over the next five days (or whenever you happen to update your status). So far, nobody I have nominated has taken the time to do this gratitude challenge. One person started but never finished. Its not hard to do (just remembering to do it is the catch), and trust me, you will be so very much enlightened looking back at your list of 15 things you dont take for granted. Good luck! ================================================================ To begin, I will reiterate my first six blessings that I stated I was grateful for in my first two postings...Loch Clan Cottage (family cabin) at Lake Manitobas Twin Lakes Beach, my knack for adventure and how negative side-trips throughout life can teach lessons and happen for a reason, beauty in nature, a supportive family through the great times and the tough times, my hometown of Portage la Prairie, and the variety of the four seasons in Manitoba. My last nine blessings are as follows (7-15): 7) My current living situation in Winnipeg, and how everything that could have possibly worked out to make my new chapter of city life easier unfolded in front of me back in August and continues to unfold in front of me...condo life is great! 8) Education (both public education pre-university and post-secondary), and being able to have access to a great post-secondary institution that offers so many programs and courses for many learning opportunities, all within close proximity to my home grounds.The whole concept of university is great, from broadening your horizons to making new friends! 9) Living in a safe and free country, where for the most part, human rights and freedoms are protected, and life is pretty darn great! The freedom to be either a part of society or apart from society (longing for a simpler and more sustainable life) is absolutely fantastic in these crazy times! 10) My faith and spirituality (ties in to my morals, ethics, values, etc.)...I honestly dont know where I would be without them. These powerful cornerstone qualities of my life provide me with extra-Earthly guidance, assurance and support, meditation and contemplation, reflection, stress reduction, how to love and treat others, live life to the fullest, connect with different realms and spheres of the globe and beyond, and live in harmony with the Earth, with each other, and with our unconditionally loving God who is among us and within us. Church ties into this as well; I am grateful for my church family, being able to reach out to the community, globally or locally, accepting others for who they are, absorbing and reflecting on the wise words of the preached sermons, etc! 11) Travel - being able to explore the province, country, and globe and become more worldly is a great gift. Immersion in different cultures is enriching and life-shaping. Learning about your place on this temporary home of ours and seeing what remarkably beautiful things exist outside our locale is perpetually invigorating and never fleeting! 12) Music - a vital part of my life which can evoke an array of emotions at the appropriate times, by painting pictures and conjuring images that can be inexplicably felt and heard, creating a mood. The act of listening to it and appreciating it is rewarding, and being able to play it can be so much fun in a different way! Dancing, folk fest culture, the arts...I love it all! 13) Great friends - those friends who you can joke with, hang out with, talk about things with, share formative experiences with, and even learn from will always be there for you. You know, we all have them, and have different categories of these friends! That pretty much sums that up! 14) Pets - I would count pets as being part of the supportive family category, but since they are non-human and exhibit so many different characteristics and potentially unique traits that cannot be compared to those of our own species, they deserve their own paragraph. My cats and my dogs have comforted me in so many ways over the years (particularly my dog Duchess who I somewhat believe is a medium to the supernatural world in her own ways), and have bonded with me both emotionally and spiritually in ways that cant necessarily be explained. Ill leave it at that...pets are so awesome! 15) And last but not least, I am forever grateful for my late mother who has instilled in me the gifts of youthfulness (joking / pranking / having fun / laughing); precocious intuition of unsafe situations, others feelings and energies, pending events, and supernatural/extrasensory feelings; and most importantly loving and caring for others, from animals to the environment to other human beings. After moms passing almost four years ago to date (next week), I have become more advanced in maturity and independent skills; as sad as it is, things worked out to some degree when it came to shaping my current personality and identity. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you read this post, thank you for doing so and hope it inspires you to exploit things you are grateful for, but if you didnt, that is completely understandable! Originally, I nominated William Pallister, Sherrilyn Rae, Robert B. McLaughlin and Janice McLaughlin in my last two postings, so if you guys havent done so already, feel free to have another chance to accept the challenge! :) I now nominate Sean Davidson, Alistair Wright, Kathryn McLaughlin, Carol McLaughlin, Edie Garrioch, Bernie Wright, Sharon Kunzelman and Allene Roy to accept this challenge when time allows! Remember to nominate many as you want! Enjoy!
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 05:01:46 +0000

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