To follow instructions is to know the instructions. Without the - TopicsExpress


To follow instructions is to know the instructions. Without the instructions we are lost. So it is with Gods Word. So many people will try to get salvation their way without listening to Gods instructions, Gods Word, The Bible, and expect to go to Heaven. But it is so sad because even though they try their very best they will not have salvation. Therefore they will not enter Heaven! For no one will enter Heaven with sin. For what does The Bible, Gods Word, Gods instructions for our salvation say? Ephesians 2:8 For BY GRACE ARE YE SAVED [saved from The Tribulation, Hell, and The Lake of Fire] THROUGH FAITH; and that NOT of yourselves: it is THE GIFT of God: Hebrews 11:1 NOW FAITH IS THE SUBSTANCE OF THINGS HOPED FOR, THE EVIDENCE OF THINGS NOT SEEN. FAITH IS TRUSTING, BELIEVING, TAKING ALMIGHTY GOD, JESUS CHRIST, AT HIS WORD. NOTHING ADDED, NOTHING TAKEN AWAY. PLUS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ELSE AND NO OTHER WAY. Romans 10:17 So then FAITH COMETH BY HEARING, and HEARING BY THE WORD OF GOD [The Gospel of Grace: 1 Corinthians 15:1-4]. The Gospel of our salvation, The Gospel of Grace: 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 1 Moreover, brethren, I [Paul] declare unto you THE GOSPEL [The Gospel of Grace] which I [Paul] preached unto you, which also ye have received [believed], and wherein ye stand [trust which is to have FAITH]; 2 By which also YE ARE SAVED [saved from The Tribulation, Hell, and The Lake of Fire], IF [conditional by choice to have Faith which is to trust, believe] YE KEEP IN MEMORY [Believe, Trust which is to have Faith] what I [Paul] preached unto you, UNLESS ye have believed in vain [having no meaning or likelihood of fulfillment]. 3 [This is The Gospel of Grace] For I [Paul] delivered unto you first of all that which I received [Pauls own Faith in The Gospel of Grace, which Paul received from Jesus Christ], HOW THAT CHRIST DIED FOR OUR SINS [for the forgiveness of all sins: past, present, future] according to the scriptures, [the prophesies in the Old Testament concerning the resurrection of Jesus Christ]; 4 And that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the scriptures: Ephesians 1:7 In Whom [Jesus Christ] we have redemption through His blood, THE FORGIVENESS OF SINS [which gives us our salvation], according to the riches of His grace; Romans 10:9 That IF [a choice] thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus [confessing Jesus Christ Lord having power and authority over us, Gods will, therefore our Lord], AND SHALT BELIEVE [a choice to trust, have faith] in thine heart that God [God The Father and God The Holy Spirit] hath raised Him [Jesus Christ, God The Son] from the dead [The Gospel of Grace: 1 Corinthians 15:1-4; the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ FOR THE FORGIVENESS OF ALL SINS, past, present, future], THOU SHALT BE SAVED [Salvation from Hell, The Tribulation, and The Lake of Fire]. PLUS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ELSE AND ABSOLUTELY NO OTHER WAY! 2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. Colossians 3:23-24 And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, AS TO THE LORD, and not unto men; 24 KNOWING THAT OF THE LORD YE SHALL RECEIVE THE REWARD OF THE INHERITANCE: FOR YE SERVE THE LORD CHRIST. Hebrews 11:6 BUT WITHOUT FAITH [to trust, to believe] IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO PLEASE HIM: FOR HE THAT COMETH TO GOD MUST BELIEVE [Trust which is to have Faith] THAT HE IS, AND THAT HE IS A REWARDER OF THEM THAT DILIGENTLY SEEK HIM. Yes, so many people will try to get salvation their way without listening to Gods instructions, Gods Word, The Bible, and expect to go to Heaven. But it is so sad because even though they try their very best they will not have salvation. Therefore they will not enter Heaven! For no one will enter Heaven with sin! Ephesians 2:8 For BY GRACE ARE YE SAVED [saved from The Tribulation, Hell, and The Lake of Fire] THROUGH FAITH; and that NOT of yourselves: it is THE GIFT of God: Ephesians 1:7 In Whom [Jesus Christ] we have redemption through His blood, THE FORGIVENESS OF SINS [which gives us our salvation], according to the riches of His grace; A CHOICE THAT ONLY YOU CAN MAKE AND NO ONE ELSE! Think about it!
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 16:57:02 +0000

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