To fully grasp the obtuse and anemic foreign policy of the most - TopicsExpress


To fully grasp the obtuse and anemic foreign policy of the most anti American president in our history, one need look no further than Obama’s Egypt. For the full picture, we must go back to its roots. In the earliest days of our Dictator’s tyrannical reign, Obama traveled to Egypt on his initial apology tour. Obama went to Cairo to begin when he called, “A New Way Forward,” with the Muslim world. Mubarak was in power and the Muslim Brotherhood had been ordered arrested on sight BY Mubarak. Obama insisted that 10 members OF the Muslim Brotherhood be allowed to attend the Cairo speech, as honored guests, in the front row. As conservatives, we were appalled and to a great extent, so were those in Egypt who wanted more freedom and less sharia law. During the speech, Obama quoted from the Koran several times and then told the Egyptians, “America does not presume to know what is best for everyone. I do have an unyielding belief that all people yearn for certain things: the ability to speak your mind and have a say in how you are governed; confidence in the rule of law and the equal administration of justice; government that is transparent and doesn’t steal from the people; the freedom to live as you choose.” Remember that first sentence: , “America does not presume to know what is best for everyone.” I’ll get back to that later. At the time of that speech, author, Bat Ye’or stated, “Obama’s Cairo discourse fits perfectly into his agenda. It flatters Muslim sensibilities and expresses the Muslim view of historical tolerance and cultural superiority over infidel civilizations.” It wasn’t only Obama’s words but his action of honoring the Muslim Brotherhood, the grandfather of modern Islamic terrorism that spawned Hamas and al Qaeda, as his special guests, that flattered Muslim and hence, the Islamist’s sensibilities. That was June of 2009. Just days after the speech in Cairo, fraud in the elections in Iran sparked mass outrage and democracy protests sprang up there. As Iran’s brutal regime began to put them down, Obama lifted not a finger nor his voice to stand with democracy protesters IN Iran other than to state, on June 15th, 2009, “It is up to Iranians to make decisions about who Iran’s leaders will be,” he said, adding that “We respect Iranian sovereignty and want to avoid the United States being the issue inside of Iran.” I will, again, ask that you remember THAT line. A week later, on June 23rd, as violence and killings, not at all different than what we are witnessing today in Egypt, gripped the streets of Tehran, Obama said, “The United States and the international community have been appalled and outraged by the threats, beatings and imprisonments of the last few days and we strongly condemns these unjust actions.” That was it. That was the extent of his outrage and the full extent of any actions taken. Obama left Iran and those seeking democracy there, in the brutal hands of their Islamist leaders. Let’s jump ahead to December 2010. The Arab Spring. It began in Tunisia and rapidly spread to Libya, Yemen and…Egypt. By January of 2011, pro-democracy protesters had taken to the streets of Egypt and on February 2nd, after a phone conversation with Mubarak, Obama said the “transition must be meaningful, it must be peaceful and it must begin now.” Remember, just one year prior, Obama stood in Cairo, with the Muslim Brotherhood in the front row and stated,“America does not presume to know what is best for everyone,” and now, he was saying it was time for Mubarak to go. Astonishing. Mubarak, American ally, Israeli ally and the man who had outlawed the Muslim Brotherhood and kept the peace with Israel…Had to go. Mubarak resigned and left the country of Egypt in the hands of his military. Just one week later, Obama said that ALL factions in Egypt, including the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood, should “have a seat at the table” in constructing a new government in Egypt. The Muslim Brotherhood, Obama’s honored guests…Outlawed by Mubarak who warned the west that, the Muslim Brotherhood’s social and welfare activities were only a façade hiding more sinister intentions…The Muslim Brotherhood who had spawned such international terrorist organizations as al Qaeda and Hamas…The VERY Muslim Brotherhood that had ASSASSINATED Anwar Sadat, the Arab signer of the Egypt/Israel peace accord…Must have a seat at the table. The American and Israeli ally was out and the Israeli and American hating Muslim Brotherhood would have a seat at the table. By October of 2011, Obama had “led from behind” and ousted Gaddafi, creating a vacuum to be filled by Ansar al-Sharia and Al Qaeda in Libya. We know how well THAT worked out and, in June 2012, the Obama backed terrorist spawning Muslim Brotherhood had much more than a seat at the table, they had won control of Egypt in a hotly contested and suspected fraudulent election. Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood’s head in Egypt soon gave himself the same powers as the ousted Mubarak and began to use those dictatorial powers to install Sharia law, vowed to close the Suez Canal, promising to do away with the Egypt/Israel peace accords and he stood by as his pro-Sharia thugs began killing Coptic Christians and harassing pro-democracy supporters. The man, Obama, who had clearly stated, “America does not presume to know what is best for everyone,” had just as clearly demanded Mubarak go, Gaddafi go, stood by, watching as the pro-Sharia brutal regime in Iran, of whom he claimed, “We respect Iranian sovereignty and want to avoid the United States being the issue inside of Iran,” murdered pro-democracy protesters in the streets and, when the dust began to settle, Islamists, pro-Sharia and terrorist organizations either remained in power or had gained new control over countries they had never had before. That, of course, includes Egypt. In the short regime of Morsi in Egypt, and while Morsi was systematically ousting pro-democracy military personnel, Obama supplied the Muslim Brotherhood with billions of dollars in aid, F-16’s and tanks with which, had Morsi maintained control, he would have used against western-friendly, pro-democracy protesters in Egypt and/or, against Israel and to control or close the Suez canal. But, Morsi was overthrown by his remaining pro-democracy military and then, and only then, did Obama put a hold on further shipments of arms and financial aid and, Obama has now cancelled joint military exercises with Egypt’s pro-democracy and western friendly military. Just 2 days ago, Obama stated, “We want Egypt to succeed. We want a peaceful, democratic, prosperous Egypt. That’s our interest.”> “I want to be clear that America wants to be a partner in the Egyptian people’s pursuit of a better future, and we are guided by our national interest in this longstanding relationship. But our partnership must also advance the principles that we believe in and that so many Egyptians have sacrificed for these last several years — no matter what party or faction they belong to.” “– no matter what party or faction they belong to.” One can only suspect, that includes…The MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD. On the streets of Cairo, hundreds of civilians have died in the last week. Christians are targets, churches are being burned. The Muslim Brotherhood is trying to wrest control from the pro-democracy military, Egypt is now on the verge of a full out civil war and, should that happen, yet another vacuum will be created in that part of the world with various terrorist organizations standing by, ready to fill it. Remember where this article began? In Cairo, in 2009, with Obama stating clearly, “America does not presume to know what is best for everyone.” Now, consider the timeline presented in this article and read the words Obama spoke 2 days ago from his vacation in Martha’s Vineyard: “Let me make one final point. America cannot determine the future of Egypt. That’s a task for the Egyptian people. We don’t take sides with any particular party or political figure.” Uh huh. Since when, exactly? He thinks he can do whatever he wants as long as he says he isn’t going to get involved and when is all falls apart, he goes on vacation. Clearly, it matters not a whit to Obama, WHICH terrorist, Islamist, pro-Sharia organization finally takes control of HIS Egypt. Barack Hussein Obama…America’s Dictator…Egypt’s Pharaoh. And neither nation wants him. lady-patriots/americas-dictator-egypts-pharaoh/
Posted on: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 00:15:45 +0000

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