To get rid of - Dispose of At daggers drawn - Bitterly hostile To - TopicsExpress


To get rid of - Dispose of At daggers drawn - Bitterly hostile To play ducks and drakes - To act foolishly or inconsistently To take the bull by the horns - To tackle a problem in a bold and direct fashion Rain cats and dogs - Rain heavily To move heaven and earth - To make a supreme effort No avail - Without any result Bark up the wrong tree - Accuse or denounce the wrong person Keep one at bay - Keep one at a distance Make a clean breast of it - Confess – especially when a person has done a wrong thing Have a card up one’s sleeve - Have a secret plan in reserve Like a cat on hot bricks - Very nervous Cat and dog life - Life full of quarrels Cock and bull story - Made up story that one should not believe
Posted on: Sat, 07 Sep 2013 00:59:13 +0000

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