To go toward Ista,we need only love; whereas to follow ideology, - TopicsExpress


To go toward Ista,we need only love; whereas to follow ideology, we need courage and efforts. If we have love for our Lord, then we do not need anything else. We cannot get devotion by going to pilgrimages. The minimum requirement for getting devotion is the human mind. By simply exerting efforts, you get development. If you desire devotion, you will get it. If you have love for the Supreme, you will get established in your Ista. First, ista means that which, once it is attained, brings the fulfillment of ones long-cherished desires. Secondly, ista means the dearest or most favourite object or entity. In either sense, ista can simply be translated goal: Ista means loving, favourite, dear, attractive, goal, terminus, desideratum. Our goal is, of course, Parama Purusa. But the Parama Purusa of philosophy, the hub of the universe, is a formless, impersonal entity, whereas human beings always prefer a personal God whom they can love, and to whom they can explain the pleasures and pains of their life. Human beings cannot feel extreme love and affection towards an impersonal God or philosophy because that is only a metaphysical concept, and the human heart cannot fully identify itself with an abstract idea. People cannot reveal the stories of their joys and sorrows, pains and pleasures, loves and affections, to an abstract idea. They want a personal God to whom they can fully convey their feelings and sentiment. This is an absolute necessity... The God of philosophy cannot provide complete fulfillment to peoples deep internal urges; they want One to whom they can open their hearts. Such an entity is ones Ista. One should have non-compromising strictness and faith regarding the sanctity of ones Ista, ones goal. This goal must never be lost sight of or sacrificed for any reason, since our Ista is our most sacred possession. Only by intense attachment to ones Ista in the core of ones heart, by ideating that He is ever witnessing oneself, and by devoting oneself exclusively to pleasing Him, can one achieve any spiritual depth. Ananda Margis should defend their chosen goal against any sort of attack, (yet, they must not attack anyone elses Ista). The reason for such an all-pervasive regard for the sanctity of the Ista lies in the above-mentioned meanings of the word. First, Ista means that which, when it is attained, fills the mind, removes all our psychic dissatisfactions, and brings the fulfillment of our deep internal urges and long-cherished desires. And secondly, Ista means our most beloved and dearest entity. When the mind attains its most coveted object, it becomes filled; and thus in the last analysis both the above-mentioned meanings are virtually one and the same. Utilizing the vibrations created for eternal time by Shrii Shrii Anandamurtijii through janushparsha and varabhaya mudras, take yourself and the entire universe ahead along the path of all-round welfare. Ananda Marga Spiritual and Social Practices Edited by Taraka and Acarya Acyutananda Avadhuta
Posted on: Fri, 07 Nov 2014 23:57:08 +0000

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