To grow means to increase in size or importance. Everyone has his - TopicsExpress


To grow means to increase in size or importance. Everyone has his own world. Your world is your sphere of influence. Therein are people you meet and interact with everyday. Thus, you have your world, and I have mine. For some, their world revolves around themselves, their immediate family aThose who talk or think like this can’t experience expansion. Hence, they are not thinking like God. When God gives you anything, He has some other people in mind. He said to Abraham, ‘through you all nations of the earth shall be blessed’. By implication Abraham was expected to see beyond himself and think of others. There is a world out there in need of you. Instead of complaining about the society or government not providing the necessary infrastructures; think about what you can do to improve the status quo. Think about what you can do to make life more comfortable and enjoyable for others. Rather than concentrating on yourself, while God has a big dream that will accommodate others, why not think of setting up a business and employ others. Let your dream be big enough to accommodate others. Have a big dream for your nation, finances, family, job or business. Stretch your vision and see yourself do big things. Remember, your heavenly father is big, and His resources are limitless. Not only is He able to cause your visions and dreams of success to come to pass, He’s more willing and enthusiastic about your success than you could ever imagine. Finally, expand your world, expand your sphere of contact, and make more good friends. Develop more helpful relationships, make new contacts. Let your daily pursuit in life culminate into helping others realize their dreams and build their self esteem. This is your time. Take charge now. The spell of limitation is hereby broken. Enter into your rest in Jesus name.
Posted on: Thu, 05 Sep 2013 08:09:28 +0000

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