To live I pray to live on this earth without conflict Ive done - TopicsExpress


To live I pray to live on this earth without conflict Ive done seen too many fall over nonsense survival of the fittest we roam without common sense we need the lord in our lives to have it make sense our time on this world isnt guaranteed were here to teach the people and full fill our need our greatest gift is how we present our seeds religion as the teacher the bible as the speaker on bended knee faithfully we allow him truly reach us so we can understand our lives that were already written we must stay the course not try to switch position were on mission to change what wasnt meant to be...history in which color was crucified religion was also scrutinized to try find lies because truth is despised and also feared but its freedom Martin and Malcolm Mandela the Freedom Fighters Rosa Parks Umkhonto we Sizwe the rebels who fought for equality in South Africa and countless others who went down in history their sacrifice and their accomplishments are not a mystery intelligence to change the world is not irrelevant but heaven sent is evident among the children women and men who continue to strive for better days we live as kings and queens our perception no longer as slaves Jesus Christ was crucified to deliver a clean slate one God one sky we can come together and realize if we focus on the big picture the true meaning and the power of every scripture we can do amazing things all across the globe and one united voice to spread the world and I dont want to preach to you its not my time for that and just think about what Im saying and relate to that Ive seen people march in the name of peace Ive heard speeches that made me shed tears in these streets Ive read scriptures that made me collapse to praise him if I have give my life I will to save him my two daughters I smile because how proud am I have two angels I see it always in their eyes I instill in them the beauty courage and strength of our women intelligence religion and how a man should really treat them to never lower their standards and understand they dont need them with faith anything possible in life....a testimony I share a snippet of my story I lost my daughters mother at the age of 25 the truest reason for love she meant the world to me I would of gladly given my life to bring her back...both lungs so she could have for heart so Maria would beat longer anything in world to have her back but not for myself but her blessed daughter her good mother faithful sisters and strong brothers I still shed tears and its going five years I past her grave everyday and I cant always hold tears and the one person who always helped me maintain pain my grandmother who I credit for saving my life she kept me in the house and studying chapters of bible little that I knew she was ensuring my survival teaching insight on how I should value my life Stella I can feel smiling down at 29 I why your not here you lived your life according to the will of God you taught the lessons and all family came through sat with an open ear listened to joys and when can down fears they were all forgotten so grandma thank you for wisdom thank you for being my guiding light thank you for being part of better days thank you for not letting the streets take me thank you for making me baby my angel Stella Mae Jones Lentz .......................A DREAM OF BETTER DAYS IS SOMETHING I ALWAYS PRAY FOR AND THROUGH ALL THE STRUGGLES OF MY LIFE I KNOW THE LORD IN EVERY WAY POSSIBLE I KNOW THEIR IS A GOD BECAUSE I WAS PHYSICALLY LEFT FOR DEAD AS A VICTIM OF A HIT AND RUN AT THE AGE OF 3 BUT HERE I STAND....I DEALT WITH DEPRESSION AND THOUGHTS OF SUICIDE BUT HERE I STAND...GROWING UP I NEVER HAD A FATHER AND I WAS COOL WITH THAT BECAUSE MY UNCLE CHARLES WAS THE BEST MAN I EVER KNEW AND I DONT EVEN COME CLOSE TO BEING THE MAN HE WAS HE SHOWED ME WHAT A MAN IS TO HIS FAMILY LET ME TELL I SERVE A GRACIOUS GOD MY AUNT DENISE GAVE ME TOUGH LOVE I MEAN AT TIMES SHE WAS HARD ON ME BUT SHE IS WHY I DONT BACK DOWN NOW SHE MADE ME HAVE COURAGE TO ENDURE THE HARDSHIPS OF LIFE BUT IF ANYTHING HAPPENED AND SHE CALLED I WAS THERE IN 5 MINUTES OR LESS RUNNING AT A FULL SPRINT SO I KNOW I SERVE A MIGHTY GOD BECAUSE WHEN I LOOK TO MY LEFT AND RIGHT AND REALLY THINK ABOUT THE PEOPLE I GREW UP WITH....THEY ARE NOT HERE I FEEL I HAVE THE HEART OF FREEDOM FIGHTERS I KNOW THIS LENTZ BLOOD FLOWING THROUGH MY VEINS IS BLESSED BY SPIRIT OF THE RIGHTEOUS BECAUSE WE SERVE A MIGHTY GOD WHO NEVER WILL GIVE HIS FAITHFUL CHILDREN MORE THAN THEY CAN HANDLE .....MY DREAMS ARE REALITY BECAUSE I KNOW IM BLESSED AND EVEN IF I LOSE EVERYTHING I WILL HAVE MY GOD MY FAMILY AND ALWAYS MY FAITH...........................................
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 10:57:05 +0000

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