To love someone is like being high, the best high youll have. It - TopicsExpress


To love someone is like being high, the best high youll have. It is a drug, a natural drug. It forms an addiction. An addiction to a person. This you can never get enough of. ALL nights you dream of them. In day you think of them. Love is a cocktail of lust, passion and desire. It is injected into the blood stream. It overcomes you with feelings of ecstasy. You start to lose the sensation of gravity and begin to float. Your heart beats fast, hard taking your breath away with every beat. You cant breathe, you dont want to breathe because youve been caught up in a moment. The longer you use love it starts to change you. When that person comes around you, you find yourself unable to think slight. Their very presence numbs your mind. Your mind blurs and becomes fuzzy. You open your mouth but your words are different. You begin to praise that person with words of passion and desire. Later, you start to notice that your eye sight has become obstructed. No other person looks as good as the person youre addicted to. Your eyes are now set and focused on them and only them. Your eyes begin to see a light around that person. You think youre going crazy, and youre right you are; but it doesnt bother you, you accept it and enjoy it. You notice that in your every waking moment that person is in your mind. Certain movies, T.V shows or songs trigger thoughts and desires for that person. It becomes harder and harder to think about anything else but them, you just cant stop, you dont want to stop. Because if you did it would cause pain. A feeling of withdrawal so intense that it makes you feel sick inside. So you look at a picture or hear a song and that bad feeling goes away. To be this high is to be in love. You start asking yourself how can you be so lucky. You find yourself remembering that there is a God and you praise Him. You start to praise Him every day for bringing this person into you life. You notice while you do this your eyes begin to feel with tears of joy and realize right before you is the person that was meant for you all along. . Now a new sensation overcomes you. You find yourself wanting to merge bodies with the other person, to melt into them, to become one. This sensation is intense and is usually triggered by a kiss of deep passion. After the kiss you have an epiphany and realize you are nothing without this person. And to lose this person, to have this person no longer part of your life would destroy you. It would devastate you in way that you could not possibly imagine. Just the the thought of this loss pains you deep into your very soul. Your eyes swell with tears because you just cant imagine existence without that person. This thought of undesirable pain becomes the driving point in your life. You now know that to keep this person you must show them that you care and you must tell them. Every day you tell them. Every day you show them and every day you fall more and more in love. And you realize that love is not a game or a weapon. Love is a tool. It is used to build the foundation of solid relationships. To truly love someone is to know them in a way that no one else does. To see them in a light that you can only see them in. So what is it to truly really love someone. Is it more than a feeling of desire, lust or passion? Or is It the ability to look deep into someones being? So deep in fact that you find the one thing that makes that person who they are. So what is it to truly really love someone? To really and truly love someone is to embrace and hold tight with passion the core of who they truly are and never let it go. #zs
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 15:10:32 +0000

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