To many observers, the U.S. position on Ukrainian conflict seems - TopicsExpress


To many observers, the U.S. position on Ukrainian conflict seems illogical. But all becomes clear if we look at it from the standpoint of the interests of certain groups of the American establishment. According to the American author Joseph Hrevneka who wrote an article for Pravda.Ru, conflict in Ukraine initiated grouping Bush. What is now happening in Ukraine, can be understood from the perspective of the American political intrigue. American elite is rapidly losing strength, she was on the verge of panic. For the most part, are former members of the Cold War in the American military establishment, as well as their political subjects, which they handle. For the most part these are the people who remained in power after the reign of Bush. This American pioneers who hide behind the banner of patriotism, but all that they need - its just the power in their own interest. Without conflicts, such as the Ukraine, the reason for their existence is not. Ukrainian crisis gives them meaning and distracts the attention of American voters from the real issues that affect their daily lives. Average American is beginning to realize that those for whom he voted, doing something completely wrong, even though he can not articulate what it is. Fifty percent of the politicians in America literally can not offer anything to the ordinary citizen, and it is becoming more obvious with each passing day. Therefore, they need a reason to help them unite, and the crisis in Ukraine is just such a reason. In the midterm elections and the upcoming presidential security and foreign policy will not have central as it was all the time after the September 11 attacks. Those who participate in elections - these are the same people who organized the event in Ukraine. These facts, of course, hidden from the public and even some elected officials who, in general, support just such an aggressive policy. See also: Fourth of July and the fall of the house of Obama Thus now you can watch as Dick Cheney suddenly regained his voice against the background of the new Iraqi crisis and said with a straight face that we all need such a person, such as Jeb Bush, who had allegedly become a leader in the U.S. in 2016 and will well protect the American people abroad. Its all very reminiscent of a farce and absurdity of all that is happening would be simply ridiculous, if the consequences were not so dire. The truth is that the United States does not have power in Ukraine. The crisis was the result of misinformation population that simply reacted to the bait. Ukrainian people simply sold a bag of lies, and with it, the Ukrainians were told that they still have to take the international banking assistance and austerity measures. If this offer is refused, the Ukrainians would simply become pariahs in the West.
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 09:30:13 +0000

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