To millions around the world today, December 25, 2014, is a day to - TopicsExpress


To millions around the world today, December 25, 2014, is a day to wish others Peace and Joy and great happiness. We prove it by feasting with families and friends, feeding the homeless and the disenfranchised. We send cards announcing that the Prince of Peace has been born. Cookies, cakes and candy have been prepared and houses decorated. We have rushed to and fro, stressed out, spent money most do not have, gone deeper into debt to giant banks and corporations. While we sing about Joy to the World, children are dying. Families are huddled in makeshift shelters shivering from the cold, many without food and water. While many sing about a Silent Night what the world needs is a future of Silent No More! In our Grand Delusion we have become as one unwilling to face the truth. We through Empire and American Exceptionalism have become a cancer. We have only to open our eyes and see this truth. The only way to treat cancer is with radical therapy. If left untreated cancer spreads and consumes its host in terrible agony and pain. The only course possible to treat this cancer, now Stage Four, is by Resistance on a fearless and massive scale. Will treatment work? Only time will tell, and it may already be too late, but if we do nothing, if we continue to ignore what is being done in our name and with our labor, the outcome is clear and the future existence of humanity is in question. Albert
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 13:53:34 +0000

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