To my American Militia Freedom Force brother in Arms, Steve - TopicsExpress


To my American Militia Freedom Force brother in Arms, Steve Brooks; Thank YOU for all of your volunteer work for the American people, for your work and efforts to Support and Defend our Ninth and TENTH Amendment Constitutional laws upon our elected Republican and Democrat enemies and shirkers. These two Supreme Law of The Land REQUIRE BOTH that they ARE LIMITED TO but must PERFORM to and spend money on the EIGHTEEN powers and spending limits outlined under Article I Section 8 of The Constitution. That which they are REQUIRED to do and spend money on, such as SECURE THE BORDER, under the RULE of OUR Ninth and TENTH Amendment laws on them, that our elected Republican and Democrat usurpers and their hired alphabet Federal agencies of criminal contempt, do not. That which our elected Republican and Democrat usurpers and shirkers are FORBIDDEN by our Ninth and TENTH Amendment SUPREME LAW of THE LAND to do or SPEND money on, as well as their hired alphabet soup Federal agency thugs of corruption, tyranny, constitutional treachery, equivocation, oppression, and coercion, THAT THEY DO... May the Lord our God BLESS YOU and keep you, under the warm protective Wings of His Warrior Angels during your service and tour of duty down on the border. Your commitment to a YEAR of service for the American people on the border, at your own expense! Thats passion, conviction and dedication to the people of America and to The Constitution. The Government used marital strife to shackle my brother in the Holy cause of FREEDOM, Charles Dyer, to trumped up charges to silence him and prevent him from fighting for and waking up Americans for and to the cause of our Constitutional laws that We The People ordained and established upon our elected Republican and Democrat usurpers and shirkers to secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity. As you go through your trials and tribulations in the service for The REPUBLIC, you would do well to remember brother Charles current plight as our common enemies of the Constitution, framed him and still have him imprisoned. JUDGEMENT DAY is coming, and WE are taking names. One day We The People will place all elected and non-elected Federal, State, County and Municipal enemies of OUR Constitutional laws before COMMON LAW Grand Juries and have them arrested, jailed, tried and sentenced; So Help US God. Fellow Americans, to fund Steve Brooks, my American Militia Freedom Forces brother in arms, now serving you down at the border go here: gofundme/cxk5w8 - Capt. Karl
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 21:24:02 +0000

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