To my Facebook friends,(Wonder how many this will piss - TopicsExpress


To my Facebook friends,(Wonder how many this will piss off) I’m changing some of my Facebook settings. After yesterday’s debacle, I don’t want to cause this kind of hurt and anger. I cannot redo the day and make changes to a seemingly innocent (to me) comment. Which is just the point of this open letter. I have a few points to make (please don’t stop reading at this point). 1. We don’t all have the same sense of humor or personalities. How can I expect someone I’ve not seen in 35 years to understand the personality and dry humor that I display daily to you my friends? I’m sarcastic, brutally honest and very opinionated. 2. I’ve been accused as being “offensive” and “unpatriotic”. Offensive I’ll take full responsibility for that one, but there again I’m not holding a gun to your head to make you read my rambling often mean comments. “Unpatriotic” NEVER! No I do not hold with the current government in office but that’s my choice as an American and to say something about the 1st Lady does not make me unpatriotic. Nor bowing every time the President is on TV. 3. Finally let’s talk about “friends”. We all have several types of friends. I’m talking about the 2 types of Facebook friends. Facebook Friend A; is the friend who will holler at you across the church parking lot, at Wal-Mart, or even stop just to ask how you are. They often see the hurt, anger or depression in your eyes and ask if you’re ok, to which you automatically say”. Facebook Friend B; is the friend you have either because you felt obligated to accept their friendship (I go to church with her, or I work with her, we went to high school eons ago). They are the types you make comments to posts on FB but face to face you just walk on by never even acknowledging their presence. You’re friends with each other just to hear the latest gossip about this, that or the other. Well “friends” I’m making some changes that have been long coming but I didn’t do because I didn’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings. I don’t like to hurt others feelings not matter how hard I want to at times. So if you see your name missing it’s not because I’ve mad or angry with you, it’s just that we don’t have that much in common. (And I put way too much personal stuff out there). If you want my friendship and I’ve deleted you because I’ve “read” you wrong, send me a friend request and I’ll re-friend. This has been long and rambling because I hurt someone’s feelings (basically from a racist remark). If you saw the post, put Billy Bob and Thelma Lou from Gaston or Pelion (No I’m not picking on these cities) and make them rednecks, would it have been as bad? And the part about if you don’t like this you can kiss my &%#, was joking also. In poor taste I now realize.
Posted on: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 14:45:19 +0000

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