To my Mama. A year has passed and still feels like a dream. - TopicsExpress


To my Mama. A year has passed and still feels like a dream. #missandloveyou Eulogy 12/2013: Hello my name is liza, i am the third daughter. Today we celebrate My Mom, Elsa Deato Pangans life. My mother, my hero,so beautiful, smart, kind, loving, generous, hard working, courageous, strong, my best friend or everyones best friend and is loved by many. She taught me a lot about life, love,hope, and faith. There are so many good memories that i want to share about my mom with you, but wish I have more time and maybe be here forever as there are a lot to share. As some or maybe all of you may know that my mom has 5 kids, 3 girls, 2 boys, and all with 5 different personalities. How she was able to stand all of us amazes me. We are so lucky to have her as a mom. Growing up i remember my mom as hard working with no complains. One of the fondest memories I have was working with my mom, She use to own her own janitorial service, which the whole family would help her with. I think i was probably around 12 or 13, one of the accounts she had was a car dealership and usually we had to clean it late at night. We had team work going, my sisters would go in and one would either help my mom vacuum, and the other the bathroom, but i think Jamella would usually be assigned by Elmina to do the dirty bathrooms. Off course with me being young i was assigned to babysit Jamiel out in the van and would switch off to pick up the trash. This experience has taught me so much of the perseverance and work my mom did for my family. I cherish these as one of the best family experiences growing up, not because jamella was cleaning the bathroom, but the bond i felt with my family and especially with my mom. Then there was Unisource I remember I would work with her and follow her around to go school from school, I could tell of how much she loved meeting people and how much she loved what she was doing. I remember how she planned, before she slept, my mom would write down the things she planned to do for the next day. She is that type of person, diligent and making sure she did what was promised. Then there were the times that my mom and I would have the late night talks, sitting in the dining table, we would talk and tell stories and we would laugh all night. Finally, the shopping, i remember how she would shop, not for herself, but for other people. Around this time of the year, she would have full room of gifts to give out to her clients, and to all the people she loved. My mom is such a giving person. How i will miss those days. These past couple months have gone by so quickly and the past days has been hard at times to accept that you have truly left us. I wake up in the morning thinking that you would come in from my front door, bearing food and fruits for Alyssa. You always came in with a smile and with excitement, and ask for her. You do this before you went home from work as well, and made sure to drop by my house just to see how we are doing but mainly how Alyssa is. I know of how much she gave you joy. I still remember when we went for the ultra sound and when the lady said it was a girl. You jumped up so hard and screamed with excitement. My heart hurts thinking that you would not be here to build memories with and to watch Alyssa grow. Alyssa calls out for you even when you weren’t in the room on the last day she shouted out for you “lola” How it breaks my heart that you can’t be here to build memories with. My mom always gave her all, with no expectation in return. She loved all her children, even when we fall short. She is so amazing and even when she was still here i would always tell her that “I wish i could be just like you when i grow up. She is one of a kind and her heart is so pure. Just like i would tell my mom, that you are the best Mom I’ve ever had and you would reply with a chuckle and say that “I am the only Mom you’ve ever had”. And your right The One and Only, your love is irreplaceable and you will always hold a piece of my heart. Though i rejoice at the fact that you have gone home to be with the Lord and experience no pain or sorrow. The grieving has been the toughest, because i love and miss you so much. God has truly blessed my family with such a wonderful mom and given as 64 years of her presence. In speaking with some of the wonderful friends and family these pass days, it makes me happy to hear the impact that she has made in many people’s lives. It is great to see how God used her as a light to many of us she has left behind. From our family we would like to say thank you for everything. for we live by faith, not by sight— so we are confident and prefer rather to be absent from the body and to be at home with the Lord. Therefore indeed we have as our ambition, whether at home in the body or absent from the body, to be acceptable to him. (2 Corinthians 5:7-9 LEB) Until we meet again Mom!
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 04:55:02 +0000

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