To my best friend... I have loved you for many years. Im thankful - TopicsExpress


To my best friend... I have loved you for many years. Im thankful you were right there beside me thru thick and thin and helped support and comfort me. Weve had great times..but now your eyes have grown dim and your ears fail you. You can no longer hear me when I talk to you or see my face when I smile. Your breath is labored and raspy and your end is near, so I have some things to tell you and I hope your heart can hear them. Im sorry for those times you were stuck out in the rain while I was working. Im sorry for the days that you were to hot and had to jump in the water tub to cool off. Im sorry for not always feeding you on time. Im sorry for sometimes losing my temper and scolding you because none was home to let you out and you just couldnt wait anymore. Im sorry Ill never see you curl up your lip and smile when I want to take your picture. Im sorry Ill never see that look of..“awe thank you on your face again when I give you some tasty morsel. Youll never chase another ball or chew on a plastic soda bottle. Ill never see you fly over the field running the horses to make me laugh. Ill no more watch as you frantically search for that elusive imaginary cat when I would say gato! (I didnt know you knew Spanish!) Youll never bring me that thing I just dropped, or singing on cue again. I wont have you to guard the yard as if your life depended on it. Everybody in the neighbor hood would say...Dont mess with that white dog, hell bite you! I wont get to see you patiently teach the puppies their boundaries and give up your food if they asked politely. Ill not be able to run my hands thru you so soft, thick fur while your legs scratches the air when I hit that itchy spot. I wont see you throw your hind legs up in the air like such a silly boy when you are scratching your back on the carpet. Remember the “zoom, zoom commercials when you thought the tv was calling YOU?! Im sorry if I didnt take you for a ride as often as you wanted or played fetch with you every time you would bring the ball. Im sorry the bigger stronger dogs would just rush past you with no respect as you got older to get it first. Ill never hear you bark your triumph as you come trotting with the ball in your mouth. Im sorry I wont get to hug your anymore or brush your teeth or clip your nails. I wont find your hair in the oldest of have a lot of long hair! I wish we could walk in the woods just once more. Ill never again get to experience you slipping quietly out of a room because someone said “shit or “damn it. never liked cuss words. Somehow you knew. Even if spoken in soft knew and would quietly slip into the back room into your crate. Ill never again get a head bump hug from you. Youll never throw that in the trash when asked anymore. Remember how people were so amazed that you could sneeze when ever I asked you to? Or use your “indoor voice? Sit, lie down and roll over were simple parlor tricks, but you, you could do amazing things! Like chew thru the fence wire because you didnt want to be in the dog pen anymore. Climb out of the fence anytime you felt like it because to be confined like a dog was beneath you. You could tell which chicken was causing the problem and would only scare that one. You were always polite never stepping out lying on my clothes. You never chewed my shoes..but you chewed up the remote once. You never chewed on the furniture, pillows, toys or things that didnt belong to you. You always had a keen sense of right from wrong, which I think is pretty amazing. It only took a scolding to let you know I was disappointed..and you always did your best to never do that thing again. I could tell you to get in the tub, and you would smile, cocking your head to the side and curling up your lip with your eyes half closed. I remember how you would get on the bed and lie down curled up keeping guard until I feel asleep then you would slip down to make your rounds and quietly go sleep in the crate. Thank you for never barking unnecessarily or at nothing. You always guarded me, kept watch over me, protected me. Youve made me laugh and let me know that it was ok to cry. And once in a while you would give me a little kiss on the nose...even thou licking was never your thing. I could tell when you didnt feel good..your eyes would droop and your ears werent perky. As you got older and your hearing faded, you adapted to hand signals. And when your eyes became so dim and you dont see much any more a slight tap would give you direction. Thank you for sharing the last..15-16 years with me. I would have missed a lot of you hadnt been there. You have been a guardian angel to me. You will be greatly missed. A hole will be in my heart until I see you again. One great companion comes along in a lifetime you have been that one. Ill never understand why my life has been so attached to animals instead of people, but you have been the closest to being a people as you could get. Im glad you have been my best friend. You never argued and never complained. You were always glad to see me and I love the way your little tail nub would flip those 11½ hairs from side to side when you were happy. Yes..we measured them, remember? Ill probably find hair in the oddest places for quite a while after you pass on. And each time Ill probably cry remembering you. I have saved a box of your hair over the years hopefully I can get it spun into yarn soon. Thats my tribute to you. A hat, scarf or maybe a shawl from your yarn. I know you dont mind. These last few days are tough. Im watching you struggle to keep going, to keep breathing, to drink. Im praying that God will have mercy on you and let your end be swift, but still I see you strive to carry on. Please take heart that I have enjoyed every day I got to spend with you and will miss you more than I can ever say, but I want you to go across that bridge knowing that I will look for you to greet me again when my time comes. Until in the sun. Run in the meadow, wade in the stream. Carry that ball with your head high laughing. Say hello to Pearl and Ahni, Angel, Blue, Chip and Oreo. Even crazy Zane and Sparky. And dont forget Red Dog. Go see the horse Angel too ok? Im sure she will remember you. You never met Mic but hell be there too. And Simon said him too...the cat. See, you have a lot of friends waiting on you...go and have a blast!
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 15:09:21 +0000

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