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To my esteemed readers: Please read, comment and share this article of mine below. The opinions expressed are entirely mine except otherwise stated. OLOLADE EMMANUEL OLAOLU WRITES: BEYOND CLARION CALL: THE ROLE OF YOUTHS IN BUILDING A BETTER NIGERIAN DREAM ‘One determined person can make a significant difference, and a small group of determined people can change the course of history.’ Smia Johnson. Nigerian Youths are called to obey the clarion call through the NYSC scheme. They come to serve the country with oneness and loyalty, dedication and selflessness, in order to lift the nation high with unity, service and humility. Since introduction of the program in the year 1973, it has been a very effective avenue for youths to experience a feel of cultures outside their homelands and to also receive benefits from the government after rigorous academic pursuits in various tertiary institutions of learning. The NYSC also gives a concrete orientation to Nigerian Youths in order to imbue in them patriotism, discipline, self- reliance, self-control and other moral values that can promote national development. The Youth Corps Members are molded to embrace the common destiny of Nigeria and to eliminate ignorant and prejudiced perceptions of any culture in the country. Beyond the NYSC clarion call, however, the condition that youths find themselves in Nigeria of today is not encouraging, both to their personal lives and to the progress of the nation state. Unemployment has taken a big toll on the wellbeing of our youths. Even the self-employed men are not living up to their dreams of greatness in a land flowing with milk and honey. Lack of youth involvement in the basic sectors of our economy and society has also aggravated the gehenna of developing backwardness that Nigeria experiences today. In order to salvage this situation, there is need for our government to improve its policies toward the youths. There is also a vital responsibility on the part of the Nigerian Youths to know themselves and understand their role in re-awakening the giant of Africa from its present state of slumber. Walter Rodney the Guyanese Historian called Youths the human agents from whom inventiveness springs. In point of fact, the young people have long being recognized and are still regarded as a powerful force in the whole world. They are indomitable actors of change. Their role in change can be either constructive or destructive, depending on the social circumstances. Youths are energetic and innovative in all ramifications of any nation. Therefore, any country mindful of the future must engage the youths properly for progressive purposes. Countries that we refer to as advanced and developed today by world standard have attained those great and lofty heights because they were driven by big dreams of their youthful and energetic men and women. Beyond the one-year clarion call, let the youths know that they have a very important role to play in carving out the best image and future for our country, Nigeria. From my undergraduate years as a student of History and a campus politician at the University of Ilorin, I have constantly held the opinion that the youth should no longer be seen as leaders of a tomorrow that is yet to come. Rather they should be encouraged as leaders of today because the Nigerian dream of a better future begins here and now. America as a nation has been ever acknowledged as a proverbial land of dreams. The leaders and people of America believe in that dream of great developments and expansion. They uphold the ideas in their manifest destiny and American exceptionalism. This unalloyed belief and unflinching credo has led to marvelous progress in the USA. I am proposing a belief in Nigerian exceptionalism where Nigerians would see themselves as a distinct people endowed by God with natural and human resources enough to make our country another miraculous example of world development. When the country attained independence in 1960, we were set on the road to great developments but our attempts were truncated both by our colonial heritage, ethnic malevolence and cattiness with corrupt administrative policies via the leadership problem. If we can embrace a strong belief in Nigerian exceptionalism, our unity in diversity will take us to the great lofty heights long envisioned by our National Anthem instead of the spate of terrorism and political cacatonism we find our country today. Nigeria of the African continent will be like the Biblical city set upon a shinning hill, which cannot be hidden. Our democracy that is presently made red like a scarlet by corrupt governance and bad leadership at all levels, will be made as white as snow in transparency and accountability. The youths must remember that those who have made a change in the world with permanent positive impact did not achieve such feats with hoary heads. They strove for excellence and self-determination in the days of their youths. It is pertinent to cite the example of the great men such as Mahatma Ghandi of India, Mustapha Kemal Ataturk of Turkey, Martin Luther King Jr., Julius Kambarage Nyerere of Tanzania, Kwame Nkurumah of Ghana, Jomo Kenyatta of Kenya, Nelson Mandela of South Africa and our own men, Nnamdi Azikwe, Obafemi Awolowo, Aminu Kano and other antediluvian heroes of Nigeria. These were men who created and established dreams for their various countries. Looking at great Nations, it is germane to observe America again. I mirror Nigeria with America because although our country was colonized by Great Britain, we have decided to borrow much of Americas political system and culture. The foundation of America was laid on the dreams of the founding fathers and successive generations till today have advanced the vision. Although the founding fathers of Nigeria did not make concerted efforts at following the vision they each had for the country, their ideas were yet fantastic. Historically speaking, Japan spent more than a hundred years in isolation, with a view to build a better society of their fondest dreams. Eventually, they became a force to reckon with in the world. In another perspective, history shows that after a long and horrendous experience of holocaust and annihilation, the establishment of the state of Israel we know today emerged as the product of Zionist dream anchored by the man called Theodore Herzl. Again, there was the defunct USSR, very powerful before its dissolution. It was built by the dream of great socialists starting with Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. What has brought Singapore, Malaysia and other Asian Tigers to where they are today are dreams of many years! It is essential for us youths of today to wake up to our responsibility of building a better Nigerian dream. The proper starting point is what I call a revolution of our mind and mentality. We must erase from our mind things such as Nigeria has spoilt’; Nigeria go soon collapse and the mentality that our current state of inept leadership and current generation of knuckleheaded politicians cannot be changed. Let us be the change we wish to see in the world. The situation of things in the country has made able and capable youth leaders to be disinterested in politics. Listen to the words of Plato the Greek philosopher: The punishment suffered by the wise that refuse to take part in the government is to live under the government of fools and bad men. You will continue to hear the same historic names mentioned above until you and I decide to take a radical step in building a better dream for a better Nigeria. In contrast, many youths today believe in what the late Dr. Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana called seek ye first the political kingdom and every other thing shall be added unto it. I will like to say that youth’ building a better Nigerian dream starts from the level of self-determination, not from the visionless quest for political gains. Thomas Paine made immense efforts in building American Dream by publishing a pamphlet titled common sense which served as the light of the American Revolution. How many Nigerian Youths can die for the love and progress of one Nigeria? How many can be like Patrick Henry who in relation to freedom of his people said Give me liberty or death. How many can volunteer to redeem Nigeria like the man of God, John Knox who prayed God to give him Scotland or death. Of course, God gave him Scotland for good. Nigeria is our ‘Jerusalem’ and her peace must be our constant desire. Let our government bring back our CHIBOK GIRLS and put an end to the BOKO-HARAM Holocaust, restoring the good and peaceful old days. The mad rush for devious political involvement by certain unscrupulous youths has killed the youth prestige as nation builders, thus giving them a pariah status as hopeless lackeys and flunkeys used for thuggery and intimidation by deceitful politicians. The challenges and problems that our youths are facing are numerous. They lack access to the best form of education and there are practically no infrastructures for youth’s corporate experience and expertise. There is a lack of proper mentorship and orientation for young chaps leading some youths into cultism and other bad groups. Some have perished by lack of vision and unprincipled ambitions to get quick money and live flamboyant lifestyles. They are marginalized in politics and societal affairs. More sad than all, bad roads and monstrous vehicles have sent the most brilliant breeds of our youths to an early grave. Where then is our future? Be that as it may, we can build a better future if we examine our past, the journey so far. So apt to our situation is what the Lord said to Prophet Jeremiah in the Bible, which reads thus: Stand at the cross roads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls. By the year 2015, our country will be at the crossroad of another century of nationhood. We will be better than the last hundred years, when our government do things right and partner with youths for overall development and progress. This is essential, considering the opinion of Lyndon B. Johnson that The future holds little hope for any government where the present holds no hope for the people. As 2015 decides Nigerias political destiny, our leaders should be ready to be men of integrity that will match their words with actions. Youths should use maximum honesty, productivity, efficient ideas, innovations and prayer to build a better dream for our country. We must stop lamenting and complaining on things that we are capable of improving. Our actions today should inspire the generation coming after us to dream more, learn more, do more and become more. MAY GOD BLESS NIGERIA!
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 05:45:10 +0000

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