To my family and to others who are experiencing drama at a - TopicsExpress


To my family and to others who are experiencing drama at a unfortunate moment! First of al I want to say we are in a memorial of our fallen soldiers and those left behind in enemy lines! In our family we lost and/or had family return as Prisoners of War! The pain and suffering of this continued on even after they returned within our family! I witnessed my family in prayer as stories were shared of heroic acts of bravery and courageous soldiers who gave their lives so friends will make it home safe to their families! Soldiers returned home seeking friends to share with their families the last words of comfort to those left behind! Second! I am from this family! I have a reason to come forward and share with others and share with my siblings of the conduct of their children on facebook! I do not want my daughters or granddaughter to play this game of measuring whose character or reputation is not measuring on the Richter scale! Once anyone begins to measure their self worth and self esteem, they are usually worthless! Once a family member begins to attack you publicly, she has issues! Usually her mother supports this behavior and encourages it! But I am your Ina and your Unci! I do not support this at all! I want them blocked and dismissed until they have learned to respect my family! I love my little ladies and I do not support all this nonsense of playing games among family! This is why I stay away from family! This is why I do not care to engage in a relationship with family who are refusing to at least respect my children and my grandchildren! you all have nothing to do with my sisters feeling angry at me for confronting them! If they do not want to be confronted, then stay away with all their negative behavior because I am grown now, I no longer have to sit and watch children being abused and laughing about it! I left the reservation for a reason! To see my siblings and their offspring continue to indulge in such behavior is disappointing! in closing: Today is a day to be thankful for our freedoms...... Today is a day to be grateful for family who died so we can pray as we choose! Today is a day to embrace one another and ask within yourselves, what will you do for your people?
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 22:01:03 +0000

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