To my family, friends, fans, followers, and foes, On Tuesday, - TopicsExpress


To my family, friends, fans, followers, and foes, On Tuesday, December 2, the results of my second biopsy came back positive, and I was diagnosed with oral cancer. There is a small mass on the inside of my neck on the left side that I first noticed in September. The biopsy shows that it is a growth made tumorous by the human papillomavirus, similar to what George Karl had a few years ago. On Monday, I will go in for a minor surgery so that the doctors can scope and biopsy the back of my tongue, and it’s possible they will also remove my tonsils. They are searching for the source of the cancer so that they can target it with a system of radiation and chemotherapy. Once they find it, I will go through seven weeks of treatments, followed by regular check-ups for a few years. That’s the bad news. The good news is we caught it very early, and the cure rate for this strain is very high, about 90%. While the treatment will suck, it won’t knock me off my feet. I will have a sore throat for a couple months, but then I will be fine. I might not be able to perform on stage during that time, but I should be able to still run Tuesday nights at Comedy Works. (Except for this Tuesday, if the doctor takes my tonsils.) The treatment will begin quickly, and I will be done by the end of January. just in time for the 2015 Funny Final Four. I have a great system of friends, family, and co-workers who have been amazing through this, and I know they will take great care of me throughout the treatment. I am NOT alone. And I want all of you to know that I am fine, I can handle the treatment, and I will emerge on the other side of this a better and healthier person. Thank you in advance for your thoughts and prayers.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 00:38:33 +0000

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